
米国 類似特許検索システム


解説記事 (PatentBaristas)

“Our paradigm for search is based on the fundamental idea that search should be item-based not just text-based, and that a query based on items provides substantial advantages and additional information as compared to queries involving only keywords.”

方法特許 米国外における特許責任の制限

8月19日(水)、CAFC大法廷は、35 U.S.C. § 271(f) は方法クレームには適用しないと判示した。この判決は最高裁判所によるMicrosoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp., 550 U.S. 437 (2007) 判決に従うものであり、先に物議をかもしたCAFCによるUnion Carbide v. Shell Oil Co., 425 F.3d 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (271(f) is directed to “every component of every form of invention” and that the statute is “not limited to physical machines.”) 判決を覆すものである。

An en banc ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has narrowed the reach of U.S. patent laws covering companies' overseas sales and production.
The Wednesday decision in the closely watched Cardiac Pacemakers Inc. v. St. Jude Medical Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2009) determined that patents for methods or processes are not subject to patent infringement liability if the products are assembled and sold overseas. Patents for products, however, are not exempt.

In an en banc decision, the Federal Circuit has ruled that 35 U.S.C. § 271(f) "does not cover method claims." This decision overturns the controversial 2005 decision in Union Carbide v. Shell Oil Co., 425 F.3d 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2005). The ruling was widely expected based on the Supreme Court's 2007 decision in Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp., 550 U.S. 437 (2007) (holding that "master disks" were not a 271(f) "component" when abroad to be copied and then installed to form a would-be infringing system). In reading Microsoft v. AT&T, the Federal Circuit found "a clear message that the territorial limits of patents should not be lightly breached."

米国 特許事務所ランキング(特許付与数順)


1. Oblon Spivak - 2,853
2. Sughrue Mion - 2,145
3. Oliff & Berridge - 1,958
4. Birch Stewart Kolasch & Birch - 1,622
5. Fitzpatrick Cella - 1,518
6. Staas & Halsey - 1,516
7. McDermott Will & Emery - 1,208
8. Blakely Socoloff - 1,063
9. Harness Dickey & Pierce - 1,023
10. Finnegan Henderson - 916




An upcoming en banc rehearing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has the potential to reverse a written description requirement for patents that the court imposed a dozen years ago. Owners of broadly written patents such as those covering life sciences innovations are watching closely. (Law.com)

Federal Circuit to consider whether a separate written description requirement exists in section 112 (File Wrapper)
Federal Circuit Grants En Banc Review in Ariad v. Lilly (PatentDoc)
Ariad v. Lilly: Federal Circuit Grants En Banc Request to Challenge Written Description Requirement (PatentlyO)

(1) Is the claim directed to one of the four patent-eligible subject matter categories: process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter?
(2) Does the claim wholly embrace a judicially recognized exception, which includes abstract ideas, mental processes or substantially all practical uses (pre-emption) of a law of nature or a natural phenomenon, or is it a particular practical application of a judicial exception?

Interim Guidelines on Examining Statutory Subject Matter (PatentlyO)
USPTO Publishes Interim Guidelines for Subject Matter Eligibility (271)
USPTO has “Issued” Interim Examination Instructions For “Evaluating” Subject Matter Eligibility (PatentBaristas)

Director Kappos: "Patent quality equals granting those claims the applicant is entitled to under our laws." (PatentlyO)
USPTO Director's Blog (just a patent examiner)



The 54-year-old former leader of Heller Ehrman was building from the ground up at Dechert, this time with a track record that included the dissolution of his previous firm during his tenure as its chairman. "I'm trying to communicate to the world that I'm back in practice and that this is what I'm good at," Larrabee said. "It's still a work in progress."
Lateral movement among attorneys in general has become increasingly common. During the past five years, the number of partners moving from one top firm to another has increased by 14 percent. In 2008, attorneys at Am Law 200 firms made 2,509 moves, according to The American Lawyer, an affiliate of The National Law Journal that tracks partner moves at the nation's most profitable firms. In 2003, lateral moves totaled 2,199.


雑談 ラップトップと喫茶店

A sign at Naidre's, a small neighborhood coffee shop in Brooklyn, N.Y., begins warmly: "Dear customers, we are absolutely thrilled that you like us so much that you want to spend the day..."

But, it continues, "...people gotta eat, and to eat they gotta sit." At Naidre's in Park Slope and its second location in nearby Carroll Gardens, Wi-Fi is free. But since the spring of 2008, no laptops have been allowed between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekends, unless the customer is eating and typing at the same time.


米国 不衡平行為の立証

Exergen Corp. v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc.Fed.Cir. 2009)
A recent U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decision puts the patent bar on notice that vague claims of another lawyer's intent to mislead or withhold data from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will no longer fly.

On the inequitable conduct issue, the district court found that SAAT's pleading failed to allege inequitable conduct "with particularity" under Rule 9(b). The pleading, which alleged inequitable conduct over 7 paragraphs, cited specific documents that "Exergen failed to cite", along with examples of "arguments made to the PTO were contradicted by statements from Exergen’s own website."
the CAFC agreed with the district court that the allegations were deficient with respect to both the particularity of the facts alleged and the reasonableness of the inference of scienter.

(Patent Baristas)
Exergen sued Wal-Mart, CVS, and several thermometer makers (including SAAT) for infringement of three patents covering infrared detecting thermometers. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled that one of the patents was invalid because it is inherently anticipated, and the other two were not infringed.


2009年 特許出願数低調傾向


JPO, 出願数 6%低下(2008年10月-2009年3月)
EPO, 出願数 8%低下(2009年初から最近まで), 新審査官の採用凍結
Korea, 出願数 9% 低下(2009年第1四半期)
France, 出願数 5%低下
UK, Australia and Denmark 特許庁職員レイオフ
China, 出願数12%増加,国内からの出願は23%増加(2009年1月-6月)

PCT, 出願数5% 低下(米国からの出願数は14%低下, 中国からの出願数は19%増加)




Twitter Sued on Patent Infringement Allegations
Miriam Rozen Texas Lawyer
August 7, 2009