


Reduce Patent Litigation Risks and Costs

Protecting your company against patent assertions by non-practicing entities (NPEs) has become a high-cost, high-risk responsibility for patent counsel and litigation management. RPX was formed to help you mitigate this growing problem by enabling you to incorporate defensive patent purchasing into your patent strategy.

Patent litigation by non-practicing entities has increased dramatically in the last decade, driven by a major influx of investment that has allowed NPEs to acquire a growing number of patent rights to use offensively. RPX’s response is to fight fire with fire.

We put our capital to work in your defense, buying patent rights that could otherwise be asserted against you. For a modest annual fee - often less than the cost of a single patent assertion defense - RPX members will have a license to all of the patent rights we have aggregated, thus reducing their exposure to NPE assertions and costs.

RPX has pioneered a new and effective way to address the NPE problem. Find out how we can help your company with our RPX services.

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