


米国弁護士・弁理士 ヘンリー 幸田氏

JP-NETもDocDBを取り込んでEPとWO検索に対応するらしいですね。だとすると、IPC-8への対応も期待して良いのでしょうか?現在、IPC-8のMaster Core Database(MCD)を組み込んだ日本の商用DBは日立のものしかないと聞いています。IPDLでさえMCDを取り入れていません。MCDはDocDBとしてEPOが構築しているはずなので、DocDBを取り入れた商用DBではIPC-8でかなりの範囲の検索をカバーできる!!と、期待しているのですがどんなものでしょう。パトリス海外はECLAでさえ対応していないのでIPC-8を期待するのはもっと無理。。。かなぁ??


米国 IP関係レクチャーサイト

UCLA 法学教授 Doug Lichtman氏が提供するIPレクチャーサイト(音声)を紹介します。現時点でアーティクルは1件しかありませんが年内にあと3件リリースされる予定だそうです。

雑談 ボスの態度がよそよそしくなったら・・・

上司の態度がよそよそしくなったらそれは「くび!」のサインだそうです(from WSJ)

  • 上司との世間話が減っていませんか?
  • 上司へ送ったe-mailの返事が前より遅くなっていませんか?
  • 会議への出席要請がなくなっていませんか?
  • すばらしい(大きな成果が期待される)プロジェクトからはずされていると感じませんか?
  • 仲間はずれにされていると思うことが多くなっていませんか?
  • 最近、仕事の割り当てが変わりませんでしたか?

一番危ないのは自分だったりして・・ (´゚Д゚`;) 

独 特許無効訴訟

ドイツ特許事務所(24IP Law Group)のニュースレターによると、ドイツ政府は議会に特許無効化手続きを効率化させる可能性のある法案を提出したとのことです。


中国 你今天黑屏了吗(ねぇ、今日は真っ黒)?

黑屏与犯罪的距离有多远 (from 新华网)


米国 共同発明人であることの証明

CAFCでの判決です。(PatentlyO) (Patent Prospector
Oren Tavory v. NTP (Fed. Cir. 2008)(nonprecedential)
the case on laches (based on the long delay in making the claim) and estoppel (based on Tavory's silence during the NTP trial).

米国 ビジネスモデル特許さようなら・・・となるかなあ?

情報追加:10月28日)Bilski decisionは12月以降になりそうです。(ありゃ、after In re...か。decisionの後ということかな?)
IPO has planned a December 1 session to discuss "Patentable Subject Matter after In re Bilski"(PatentlyO)
CAFCのBilski decisionが10月頃に下されるのではないかとのことです。(1
In re Bilski (Fed. Cir. 2008 - en Banc)

  1. Whether claim 1 of the 08/833,892 patent application claims patent-eligible subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101?
  2. What standard should govern in determining whether a process is patent-eligible subject matter under section 101?
  3. Whether the claimed subject matter is not patent-eligible because it constitutes an abstract idea or mental process; when does a claim that contains both mental and physical steps create patent-eligible subject matter?
  4. Whether a method or process must result in a physical transformation of an article or be tied to a machine to be patent-eligible subject matter under section 101?
  5. Whether it is appropriate to reconsider State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, Inc., 149 F.3d 1368 (Fed. Cir. 1998), and AT&T Corp. v. Excel Communications, Inc., 172 F.3d 1352 (Fed. Cir. 1999), in this case and, if so, whether those cases should be overruled in any respect?






■ 開催概要 ■
開催日時:2008年12月9日(火) 13:00~17:30 (開場12:20)
会 場 :経団連会館 14F 経団連ホール(東京都千代田区大手町1-9-4)
参加費 :無料
■ プログラム ■
13:00 主催者挨拶
 野間口 有  社団法人日本経済団体連合会 知的財産委員会 委員長

13:10 問題提起
 長岡 貞男  一橋大学イノベーション研究センター教授
13:30 第一部 講演
 平松 幸男  大阪工業大学大学院 知的財産研究科 教授
 加藤 恒   三菱電機株式会社 知的財産渉外部次長
14:10 第二部 特別講演
 Michael Frohlich  前ETSI (欧州電気通信標準化機構) 法務取締役
 Armando Irizarry  FTC (米国連邦取引委員会) 知的財産カウンセル
(Standards-Setting, IPRPolicies and Stakeholder Considerations)
 Amy Marasco  米国マイクロソフト 標準戦略部長
15:40 休憩
15:55 第三部 パネルディスカッション
 長岡 貞男      一橋大学 イノベーション研究センター 教授
 Michael Frohlich  前ETSI (欧州電気通信標準化機構) 法務取締役
 Armando Irizarry  FTC (米国連邦取引委員会) 知的財産カウンセル
 Amy Marasco     米国マイクロソフト 標準戦略部長
 平松 幸男      大阪工業大学大学院 知的財産研究科 教授

インド 知財業務のアウトソーシング

foreign filing license恐れるに足りずだそうです。この世界同時不況がインド知財業界にとって吉と出るか凶とでるか、どっちでしょう。(LINK

A leader in business process outsourcing, India has positioned itself well to accept the work. India produces about 80,000 lawyers each year, compared with the 44,000 lawyers churned out of the U.S.'s 195 American Bar Association accredited law programs. Indian law students are trained in common law, a legal tradition that traces its roots to British rule. Indian lawyers speak fluent English and receive their legal education in English. Unlike the U.S., however, a new Indian lawyer can expect to earn under $10,000 a year, a fraction of the $160,000-plus salary earned by U.S. counterparts at top New York firms.
ちなみに、特許出願の準備を米国内でする場合 $8,000 ~ $15,000かかるのに対し、インドにアウトソースすると平均で$2,000とのことですからその差は大きいですね。米国の特許弁護士の平均年収が $95,000であるのに対しインドの場合は平均$20,000だそうですから当然のことでしょう。

先日USPTOのforeign filing licenseに関するアナウンスを紹介しました。この件に関する米国弁護士の議論を見ていると、どうやら米国企業が知財経費削減のために出願準備をインドのサービス会社へアウトソーシングしていることが安全保障の観点から問題視されているているようです。


IP services include:
  1. Literature and prior art searches including searching databases, conducting freedom to operate studies, patentability and patent invalidity searches;
  2. Patent portfolio analysis and landscaping services including overlap analysis and the creation of claim charts, valuation modeling and competitive intelligence - services pertain to mining and licensing patent portfolios that require deeper experience;
  3. Patent proofreading and docketing - patent paralegal services;
  4. Drafting patent application and technical disclosure and help with prosecution, including writing a preliminary draft of a patent application, helping with drafting amendments and drafting complete technical disclosures for quick conversion into patent office compliant patent applications.



Issue 10 Year 31, Number 10, Pages 471-505

Information from the EPO
Notice from the European Patent Office concerning non-attendance at oral proceedings before the examining division View

Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Programme between the European Patent Office and the United States Patent and Trademark Office View

Triway Pilot Programme between the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office and the Japan Patent Office View

European qualifying examinationExamination Board for the European qualifying examination Examination results View
List of professional representatives before the EPO View
Reminder PRAKTIKA INTERN 2009 In-house training programme for patent professionals View
International treaties
PCT Modification of kind of publication codes View

Guidance for the payment of fees, expenses and prices View
Reminder Abolition of payment by cheque View
ESPACE LEGAL special offer View

米国 Suing everyone under the sun who has used visual voicemail

Klausner Technologiesが有するボイスメール特許の侵害訴訟で、Klausner TechnologiesとVerizonが和解したそうです。(LINK)

发布时间:2008年10月27日 来源于:中国保护知识产权网


EPO コンピュータプログラムの特許性

最近のEnlarged Board of Appeal (EBoA)による決定は、EPCに照らしてコンピュータプログラムが特許性を有するかどうかということをを曖昧にしている。EPO President Alison Brimelowはそれゆえこの件に関し、EBoAに対し言及し多数の質問を投げかけている。

President of the EPO asks for clarification of exclusion
Can a computer program only be excluded as a computer program as such if it is explicitly claimed as a computer program?
(A) Can a claim in the area of computer programs avoid exclusion under Art. 52(2)(c) and (3) merely by explicitly mentioning the use of a computer or a computer-readable data storage medium?
(B) If question 2(A) is answered in the negative, is a further technical effect necessary to avoid exclusion, said effect going beyond those effects inherent in the use of a computer or data storage medium to respectively execute or store a computer program?
(A) Must a claimed feature cause a technical effect on a physical entity in the real world in order to contribute to the technical character of the claim?
(B) If question 3(A) is answered in the positive, is it sufficient that the physical entity be an unspecified computer?
(C) If question 3(A) is answered in the negative, can features contribute to the technical character of the claim if the only effects to which they contribute are independent of any particular hardware that may be used?
(A) Does the activity of programming a computer necessarily involve technical considerations?
(B) If question 4(A) is answered in the positive, do all features resulting from programming thus contribute to the technical character of a claim?
(C) If question 4(A) is answered in the negative, can features resulting from programming contribute to the technical character of a claim only when they contribute to a further technical effect when the program is executed?


米国 BPAI 仮出願が102(e)の先行技術となるか?

Ex parte Yamaguchi (BPAI 2008)(Precedential Opinion)
(PatentlyO),( IPBiz),( I/P Updates)


米国 特許権利範囲の不明確さが問題なんだ

A Lack of Definiteness (from Just a Patent Examiner)
最初にお断りしておきますが、この元記事の趣旨(Lack of Definiteness)は非英語圏出願人の翻訳品質をけなすものではありません。最後のおまけで以下の記述がありましたので私がこの部分のみ拾い出しました。元記事の内容はとても興味深いですのでぜひお読みください。

I hate picking up a new application which claims foreign priority, because I know that there is a good chance that I'm going to have to spend an inordinate amount of time just to figure out what the heck is going on.


新(?)無料パテントサーチサイト SUMOBRAIN


 US Patents
 US Patent Applications
 EP documents
 Abstracts of Japan
  • Document Type
  • Publication Date
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Inventor
  • NameAssignee
  • Application Number
  • Filing Date
  • Primary Class
  • Other Class
と限られていますが、Document TypeではSUMOBRAINへのリンクが埋め込まれた公報番号を得ることができます。このリンクをクリックすることでWeb上で公報の内容を見ることができます。ただし、Webへのリンクを使うためにはsumobrainへのログインが必要です。

Number Fields
  • Document Number: (e.g. 6954235 EP1659867)
  • Application Number: (e.g. 229911 EP20000945211)
Common Fields All: (e.g. Metal)
  • Title: (e.g. "metal detector")
  • Abstract: (e.g. television)
  • Claims: (e.g. system)
  • Description: (e.g. "hand-held telephone")
Date Fields
  • Date of Filing: From to mm/dd/yyyy
  • Date of Publishing: From to mm/dd/yyyy
  • Date of Foreign Priority: mm/dd/yyyy
  • Current US Classification: (e.g. 100/50)
  • International Classification: (e.g. G06F019/00)
Inventor Fields Name: (e.g. Jones Mark)
  • City: State: US state codes Country: country codes
Assignee Fields Name: (e.g. Fuji)
  • City: State: US state codes Country: country codes
  • Domestic Reference: (e.g. 5796187)
  • Foreign Reference: (e.g. EP0628292)
  • Other Reference: (e.g. "patent law")
Legal/Prosecution Information
  • Parent Case Information: (e.g. 10/007,521)
  • Agent/Attorney: (e.g. Bacon & Thomas)
  • Primary Examiner: (e.g. Jones David)
  • Assistant Examiner: (e.g. Matthew Fenn)
IPCが8版でかつ、分類データをMCD(Master Core Database)から持ってきているとするならIPCの利用価値はぐっと上がると思います。そのうち、IPCのバージョンを検証してみます。



英国 特許訴訟


"An Experiment to Test the Attraction"

米国 仮差止

Abbott Laboratories v. Sandoz, Inc., (Fed. Cir. 2008)(Newman, J.)

・Rethinking the four ‘factors’ of preliminary injunctive relief (PatentlyO)
・Preliminary Jam (Patent prospector)
・Federal Circuit: A New Standard for Materiality (PLI)


パテントサーチツール Aspator

いつの間にかAspatorがバージョンアップしていました。ちょっと、USPTOやesp@cenetで特許の確認をしたいときなど、Patent Palのようなツールバーと組み合わせて使うととっても便利です。


米国 ブロガー向け保険


Bloggers Get Libel Protection; Sonnenschein Staffs Hotline
In 1997, there were four lawsuits against bloggers and online publishers. Last year? The number was 89, the Kansas City Star reports.

米国 ロイヤリティは適正ですか?

How Reasonable Is Your Royalty?
(from September 2008 issue of the Journal of Accountancy)


In recent years, focus has shifted to the increased value of intangible assets. As such, competition, sometimes unlawful, has resulted in extensive litigation and/or negotiation between parties for the use of intangibles.
Methodologies to quantify a reasonable royalty are consistent with general valuation approaches–market (other licenses), income (profitability), and cost (design–around).
The Georgia-Pacific dispute is the seminal case that identified15 factors to consider in estimating a hypothetical reasonable royalty.
Be careful in determining an appropriate royalty base—consider what the market considers important, and the functional relationship between patented and unpatented products sold together.
Whichever method is used to determine a royalty, be forewarned that others will likely have an opposing point of view. Accordingly, make sure it passes the smell test.
(Read More)

欧州 EUコミッショナーのスピーチ2題

E.U. Commissioner Charlie McGreevy has given two speeches on protecting innovation in Europe

Innovation is a vital tool for maintaining competitiveness, growth and employment in the European Union. That is why the Commission has identified investing in knowledge and innovation as one of four key priorities in the 2008 to 2010 cycle in the renewed Lisbon strategy.

However, when it comes to protecting innovations European companies are facing a considerable competitive disadvantage compared to companies in emerging economic powerhouses and those of our main trading partners. Recent figures show that a current European patent can be anything from four to ten times more expensive than a US patent, when processing and translation costs are taken into consideration. The cost depends on the number of Member States targeted. And when you look at the total cost with up to ten years of protection, European patents are nearly double to five times more expensive, compared to Japanese patents which are 50 % cheaper than US patents...(more)

There is nothing I like better than to be among entrepreneurs, people like yourselves – innovators and risk takers, people with their finger on the pulse of their local economy, and their eye on the bigger picture - both within the EU and globally. I firmly believe that policy makers should have more opportunities to mix with business people, to hear firsthand of the real concerns felt by those who are out there in the market place, managing costs and cash flows and fighting for customers. So can I say congratulate EUROCHAMBRES on organising this highly innovative event that has brought so many of you, from so many places, to take part in the debate here today...(more)


日本と米国 大学生の姿勢と環境



New Law Grads Urged to Have Backup Plans (from ABA Journal)
Posted Oct 20, 2008, 01:21 pm CDT
By Molly McDonough
The nearly 44,000 law students set to graduate in 2009 will have at an average of $73,000 in loan debt and face a grim hiring market...(more)

米国 新規性

Anticipation Requires More Than Disclosing All the Elements
Net MoneyIn v. Verisign (Fed. Cir. 2008)


米国 寒い・・・

Big Wave of Layoffs Hits Heller(from Law.com)
Niraj Chokshi October 17, 2008
Today is the last day for most of the remaining Heller Ehrman staff, a source confirmed on Thursday.
Affected employees were notified by a Thursday morning e-mail, which was obtained by The Recorder and which was widely posted on the Internet...(more)

Two Chicago law firms lay off attorneys, staff(from chicagotribune)
By Ameet Sachdev | Tribune staff reporter
5:07 PM CDT, October 16, 2008
Two Chicago law firms fired attorneys this week, and more layoffs loom as firms retrench in the face of financial tumult hitting their corporate clients.
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal let go of about 24 lawyers out of 680, the second round of dismissals this year, and Katten Muchin Rosenman laid off 21out of 650, the firms confirmed Thursday...(more)


シティカードジャパンとAmazon.co.jpとの提携カード「Amazonクレジットカード」は、諸般の事情により2008年12月15日をもちましてサービスを終了する運びとなりました。 これまでご愛顧いただきました会員の皆様には心より感謝いたしますとともに、ご不便をおかけいたしますことを深くお詫び申しあげます。

Amazonクレジットカード会員の皆様には、引き続き当社が発行するシティ クラシックカード(A)をご用意いたしました。
シティ クラシックカード(A)をAmazon.co.jpでご利用の際は、初回のみ有効期限の変更登録を行っていただく必要がございます。
2008年12月15日までの「Amazonクレジットカード」「シティ クラシックカード(A)」のご利用分が、Amazonクレジットカードポイントとして加算されます。

EPO 2007年の重要な判決

Case law of the EPO boards of appeal in 2007(LINK)

EBA(the Enlarged Board of Appeal)の判決について以下の2つのポイントで解説されているようです。
ポイント1divisional applications (Article 76 EPC and R. 25 EPC)
  • exclusion from patentability under R. 23d(c) in conjunction with Article 53a EPC;
  • exclusion under Article 52(4) EPC;
  • exception to patentability under Article 53(b) EPC;


人間界 Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Against..神様? (-_-;)

Ernie Chambers は2007年に、洪水や地震などの差し止めを求めて神を訴えましたが残念ながら訴えは棄却されたそうです。(1)(2)

雑談 ナイキの靴


欧州 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard

The 2008 EU Industrial R&D

Download the 2008 Scoreboard report (EUR 23530 EN)
Background information and methodology

  1. R&D ranking of the top 1000 EU companies, download .pdf, download .xls
    R&D ranking of the top 1000 companies by Member States, download .pdf, download .xls

  2. R&D ranking of the top 1000 EU companies by industrial sector, download .pdf, download .xls

  3. Top 10 companies by R&D investment in the EU [3], download .pdf, download .xls

  4. R&D ranking of the top 1000 non-EU companies, download .pdf, download .xls

  5. R&D ranking of the top 1000 EU companies by country, download .pdf, download .xls

  6. R&D ranking of the top 1000 non-EU companies by industrial sector, download .pdf, download .xls

米国 特許規則改定USPTOの応答

USPTO と、その長官である Mr. Jon Dudasは10月15日規則改正に関する控訴審へ応答しました。 (応答へのLINK)

妥協点を探るのではなく、真っ向から対決する姿勢です。継続出願やRCEsの回数制限は歓迎しますが、ESD提出に関する出願人の懸念に対するUSPTOの言い分(おらの知ったこっちゃない)にはマジムカつきます。 Jon Dudas負けろ~、クビだぁ~

The rules at issue – requiring an ESD to assistsubstantive examination, because the likelihood of errors rises with the number ofclaims presented – is a reasonable procedural alternative to following the route ofrejection or allowance. Section 132(a) contemplates that alternative procedure. Thus,plaintiffs’ reliance on Oetiker is inapposite because that case concerned a rejectionin the absence of any requirement. That applicants may be reluctant because of the doctrines of inequitable conduct and prosecution history estoppel to provide information absent a rejection is likewise inapposite. Such court-made doctrines cannot affect USPTO’s express authority to issue requirements rather than rejections.


米国 訴訟に関するレポート

ABA journalからFulbright & Jaworski法律事務所が実施した訴訟に関するサーベイ結果をダウンロードすることができます。調査に応えたのは企業弁護士(in-house counsel)で、特許訴訟についても3ページほどの記載があります。何かの参考になるかしれません。

米国 大統領選後のパテントポリシー

McCain Will Protect Inventors Intellectual Property
(from johnmccain.com)

The patent system has been with us since the founding of our nation. Protecting intellectual property creates the incentives for invention and investment in commercial innovations. Yet too much protection can stifle the proliferation of important ideas and impair legitimate commerce in new products to the detriment of our entire economy.

John McCain Will Push For Greater Resources For The Patent Office. The increased workload at the United States Patent and Trademark Office threatens to undermine the quality of our patent examinations. New resources to hire and train quality examiners are needed to ensure timely, predictable and effective patent review.
John McCain Will Pursue Protection Of Intellectual Property Around The Globe. Intellectual property protection is increasingly an issue for U.S. innovators operating in the global economy. John McCain will seek international agreements and enforcement efforts that ensure fair rewards to intellectual property.
Provide Alternative Approaches To Resolving Patent Challenges. For many important technologies, the only effective way to challenge a patent in the United States is through litigation, but litigation on patents is much too expensive. The lack of an affordable, reliable means to ensure that the Government only grants valid patents has led to overly broad, frivolous lawsuits designed to force innovative companies into big settlements.

Improve America's Competitiveness
(from barackobama.com)

  • Protect American Intellectual Property Abroad: The Motion Picture Association of America estimates that in 2005, more than nine of every 10 DVDs sold in China were illegal copies. The U.S. Trade Representative said 80 percent of all counterfeit products seized at U.S. borders still come from China. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will work to ensure intellectual property is protected in foreign markets, and promote greater cooperation on international standards that allow our technologies to compete everywhere.
  • Protect American Intellectual Property at Home: Intellectual property is to the digital age what physical goods were to the industrial age. Barack Obama believes we need to update and reform our copyright and patent systems to promote civic discourse, innovation and investment while ensuring that intellectual property owners are fairly treated.
  • Reform the Patent System: A system that produces timely, high-quality patents is essential for global competitiveness in the 21st century. By improving predictability and clarity in our patent system, we will help foster an environment that encourages innovation. Giving the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) the resources to improve patent quality and opening up the patent process to citizen review will reduce the uncertainty and wasteful litigation that is currently a significant drag on innovation. As president, Barack Obama will ensure that our patent laws protect legitimate rights while not stifling innovation and collaboration.

独 ドイツ特許庁の英語インターフェースがオープン

The German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA:Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt)


米国 BroadcomがQualcommをpatent misuseで提訴

BroadcomがQualcommを、特許権のmisuseでDistrict Court for the Southern District of Californiaに提訴しました。今回の武器は、Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc.で認められた特許の消尽です。以下は記事からの抜粋です。
Broadcom is seeking to stop Qualcomm from charging patent royalties for chips in handsets and the handsets themselves. According to Broadcom this amounts to double-charging for patents and falls under the legal concept of "patent exhaustion".

Broadcom said: "Qualcomm's use of 'exhausted' patents to control post-sale use of products in the wireless communications industry results in a double recovery of royalties to Qualcomm for the use of its patents.

米国 フォーラム・ショッピング2

先の記事で、フォーラム・ショッピングを抑止するwrit of mandamusを5th Circuitが出したことを紹介しましたが、今度もフォルクスワーゲン社が被告となった裁判管轄地に関係するケースを紹介します。今回は特許訴訟であり、フォルクスワーゲン社はCAFCに裁判管轄地に関するwrit of mandamusを請願し、棄却されました。
 2007年7月:MHLがE.D. TexasにVWに対する特許侵害を提起
 2007年11月:VWがE.D. MichiganにMHLに対する確認訴訟を提起
 2008年6月:E.D. MichiganはMHLのthe first to file doctrineに基づく事件のE.D. Texasへの移動を認める

先の製造物責任に関する訴訟では、E.D. Texasを裁判管轄とする理由がまったくありませんでしたが、今回の特許訴訟ではそういうわけにはいきませんでした。特許訴訟の場合、例えば自動車のディーラーも被告に含めれば侵害発生地が拡大するわけですから侵害訴訟を提起する側としては裁判管轄を選びやすくなります。VWは初動を誤った(可能ならば、先に確認訴訟を起こすべきであった)ということですね。

On Writ of Mandamus from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in case no. 07-CV-14992, Senior Judge John Corbett O’Meara.
Before MAYER, LOURIE, and DYK, Circuit Judges.
MAYER, Circuit Judge.
Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. (VW) petitions for a writ of mandamus directing the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan to vacate its orders transferring VW’s federal claims to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas and to vacate its order dismissing VW’s state law claims.

Concerning the district court's decision to transfer the action, VW argues that the Michigan district court erred in transferring the Michigan action to Texas under § 1404(a) because VW does not believe that the Texas district court will have personal jurisdiction over some of the defendants and because VW believes that Texas is an inconvenient forum. Regarding personal jurisdiction, the district court disagreed, stating that VW was "merely stat[ing] that the Defendants do not reside in the Eastern District of Texas with no mention that a long-arm statute or minimal contacts analysis could allow for personal jurisdiction in the Eastern District of Texas." Counsel for MHL notes that Animatronics and the inventors consented to personal jurisdiction in the Eastern District of Texas, and that the other defendant, McLaughlin Electronics, Inc., was not served with the complaint because it is defunct. Nonetheless, if the Eastern District of Texas were to dismiss any of the defendants for lack of personal jurisdiction, VW could of course obtain review of that ruling later on appeal from any final judgment.

米国 地裁におけるクレーム解釈精度に関する研究

by David L. Schwartz

(1) the nature of claim construction is indeterminate

(2) district court judges are incapable of or not interested in learninghow to perform claim construction

(3) Federal Circuit decisions do a poor job of teaching district court judges how to construe claims





米国 知財侵害救済に関する法案が成立


President Bush Signs New IP Enforcement Bill Into Law

By Catherine Saez
President Bush on Monday signed into law a bill strengthening civil and criminal laws against counterfeiting and piracy, boosting resources for enforcement and prosecution, and changing coordination of IP enforcement issues within the Executive Branch.

Under the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act of 2008, copyright registration would not be a prerequisite to criminal action, and a civil infringement action could be brought regardless of errors in registration unless those errors were made knowingly.

Intellectual property bill passes in the House

"the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act"、または Pro-IPと呼ばれる法案が上院と下院を通過し、あとはブッシュ大統領のサインを待つだけとなりました。(Bill

Sec. 101. Registration of claim.
Sec. 102. Civil remedies for infringement.
Sec. 103. Treble damages in counterfeiting cases.
Sec. 104. Statutory damages in counterfeiting cases.
Sec. 105. Importation and exportation.

Sec. 201. Criminal copyright infringement.
Sec. 202. Trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or counterfeit documentation
or packaging for works that can be copyrighted.
Sec. 203. Unauthorized fixation.
Sec. 204. Unauthorized recording of motion pictures.
Sec. 205. Trafficking in counterfeit goods or services.
Sec. 206. Forfeiture, destruction, and restitution.
Sec. 207. Forfeiture under Economic Espionage Act.
Sec. 208. Criminal infringement of a copyright.
Sec. 209. Technical and conforming amendments.

Sec. 301. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator.
Sec. 302. Definition.
Sec. 303. Joint strategic plan.
Sec. 304. Reporting.
Sec. 305. Savings and repeals.
Sec. 306. Authorization of appropriations.

Sec. 401. Local law enforcement grants.
Sec. 402. Improved investigative and forensic resources for enforcement of laws related to intellectual property crimes.
Sec. 403. Additional funding for resources to investigate and prosecute intellectual property crimes and other criminal activity involving computers.
Sec. 404. Annual reports.

Sec. 501. GAO study on protection of intellectual property of manufacturers.
Sec. 502. GAO audit and report on nonduplication and efficiency.
Sec. 503. Sense of Congress.

米国 出願人、代理人、発明者などのリスト集


インド 特許検索

1. National Informatics CentreSingle Field Search - タイトル,発明者, 出願人, IPC
· Bibliography Search – タイトル,発明者,出願人,IPCおよびこれらの組合せ
2. Patent Facilitating Centre:
· Ekaswa - A Database [Patent applications filed in India as published in the issues of the Gazette of India (Part III, Section 2) 1995年1月~]
· Ekaswa - B Database [Patent applications notified for opposition in the Gazette of lndia (Part III, Section 2) published 1995年1月~]
· Ekaswa - C Database [Patent applications published in official Journal of Patent office published 2005年1月~ 2007年6月まで
3. Indian Patent Office18 Month Publication Search – ドロップメニューから検索項目を選択(タイトル, 発明者, 出願人, IPCなど
· Issued Patent Search - 特許番号 1 ~ 1,69,500まで。全文をPDFで入手可
4. India BigPatents:全公開公報、全特許を対象として、テキスト検索が可能
Applicant Search: 全出願を対象に出願人を検索可能。また、出願された特許検索も可能
Issues Patent Search: 権利付与された全特許リストを検索可能。ただし、詳細情報を得られない
Publication datewise search: ジャーナルの発行日(?)毎に出願を検索することが可能
5. CiPIS ClairvolexQuick Search: キーワード、番号検索
Advanced Search: タイトル, 要約, 出願人, 出願人国, 発明者, 日付 [出願日, 公開日, 優先日 etc.,] および 特許分類(OR, ANDの論理演算もできる), 検索期間2006年1月1日~2007年2月1日


インド インド版バイドール法



Sean M. O’Connor, J.D., M.A.1
While the broad outline of the rationale for the U.S. Bayh-Dole Act is generally well known, the details of the Act’s predecessors are shrouded in myth. Policy debates over both these early systems and Bayh Dole are of great import to policymakers in India as they contemplate similar legislation. The author argues that the more nuanced ownership policy of the Kennedy Administration in the 1960s may be more appropriate than the bright line ownership policy embedded in Bayh Dole...(more)


Indian patent bill

インド政府は米国のBayh–Dole Actを手本にした法律の導入を検討中である。米国のBayh–Dole Actは大学や研究所に、研究によって得られた成果の所有権を認め、技術移転の促進を目的として1980年台に導入された(Bayh-Dole Act)。

Bayh–Dole Actの導入は良いですが、インド政府にはまずインド特許庁のインフラ充実をお願いしたいところです。インドに特許出願したものの、出願日が確保されていない、出願書類がどこかにいってしまった、などということがないようにお願いします。


米国 最高裁 Samsung appeal を棄却

Press Release (by Rambus)
Supreme Court denies Samsung appeal(7 Oct 2008)
The Supreme Court has refused to consider appeals from Samsung Electronics in a case against Rambus, a memory design and patent licensing company, closing a saga that began in 2005 over alleged patent infringement. The court's decision to stay out of the case leaves in place an April appeals court ruling (PDF) that a district court had no jurisdiction to grant an order that--while technically in favor of Rambus--included negative opinions about the company. (from CNET)

以下は少し古いですがThe New York Timesの記事です。Rambus社にはバラ色の未来が待っているのか? 世の中はきっとそんなに甘くないでしょう。

(Published: September 28, 2008)

But the victories have not helped much. “Every day we’re amazed at how victories in court don’t necessarily lead to settlements,” said Sharon Holt, Rambus’s senior vice president for worldwide sales, licensing and marketing. “We really need the courts to help force these parties into settlement talks. We’re not having as much momentum in signing new business as we’ve liked.”
Jared Bobrow, a partner with Weil Gotshal & Manges, represents Micron, a chip maker that has tangled with Rambus. “This isn’t about the industry making payment. In my view, this is nothing short of patent troll activity.” Patent troll is a derogatory term used to describe companies or individuals who make their money suing companies for patent infringement.



University of Iowa - College of Law(May 2008)
Herbert J. Hovenkamp


Misrepresentation and Subsequent Assertion of Continuation Claims.

While it is lawful to write patent continuations on the existing technology of rivals, the standard-setting misrepresentation cases add an additional element that can implicate the antitrust laws. To take the simplest example, suppose that a firm has written a patent application that is subject to further continuations or divisional applications. During this period its application is unpublished. It then participates in a standard setting organization that is developing new technological standards. While participating in this fashion it also surreptitiously writes continuation claims that are calculated to cover the technology that the standard setting organization is developing. After the participants have committed themselves to the standardized technology it exposes its new patents, whose priority dates back to the original patent, and insists on royalties from all participants. Given the extent of their investment they have little choice but to pay.

The Rambus case involved a research company that was in the business of patenting designs for computer memory technology and licensing these to memory chip manufacturers. In 1990 Rambus had filed a single patent application, which the PTO found to describe multiple inventions, thus permitting Rambus to file numerous "divisional" applications derived from the original application. During the next decade the PTO granted some one dozen different patents based on these divisional applications. These applications, which ran through 1999, were given a 1990 priority date based on the original patent application. In an extremely fast moving technology market such as that for computer memory this created at least an opportunity that subsequent divisionals could have included claims for technology not reasonably contemplated in the 1990 application. However, as noted previously, continuation applications of this sort are completely proper under patent policy even if the applicant writes the subsequent divisional applications expressly to cover inventions developed subsequent to the original application. The relation back doctrine means that the patent will cover them. Any antitrust violation must consist not in writing the subsequent divisional applications in order to cover the technology developed by others, but in the misrepresentations to and participation in the standard-setting process.

One significant feature of computer memory chips is that they must be compatible with a variety of computers. This requires that chip producers develop a common set of standards for performance and interoperability. The Electronic Industries Association, a trade association including memory chip manufacturers, developed the Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council (JEDEC) whose assignment was continuously to develop and maintain interchangeability standards for such chips. Rambus was a member of JEDEC during the early 1990s, after it had filed its original patent application, and when the standards for SDRAM ("synchronous dynamic random access memory"). During that period the members of JEDEC knew about original 1990s patent application, and also knew that one divisional patent under that application had been injured. However, Rambus did not disclose that it had additional divisional applications in process. According to the FTC Rambus also took advantage of its membership in JEDEC to formulate additional divisional applications written on the very technology that JEDEC was in the process of developing, all of which would obtain the original 1990 priority date under PTO continuance rules.

In 1995 members of JEDEC began to become suspicious that Rambus had undisclosed patent claims or was in the process of perfecting new ones. Rambus refused to respond to a request to disclose these rights and then withdrew from JEDEC in 1996.

In a subsequent patent infringement lawsuit that Rambus brought against a JEDEC chip maker the Federal Circuit found the patents in question to be valid and infringed. While Rambus may or may not have acted fraudulently, computer chip makers who applied the JEDEC standards would not necessarily have to infringe any of Rambus' patents. The court also faulted JEDEC for failing to have an unambiguous standard about disclosure of pending patent applications:

In this case there is a staggering lack of defining details in the EIA/JEDEC patent policy. When direct competitors participate in an open standards committee, their work necessitates a written patent policy with clear guidance on the committee's intellectual property position. A policy that does not define clearly what, when, how, and to whom the members must disclose does not provide a firm basis for the disclosure duty necessary for a fraud verdict. Without a clear policy, members form vaguely defined expectations as to what they believe the policy requires-whether the policy in fact so requires or not. JEDEC could have drafted a patent policy with a broader disclosure duty. It could have drafted a policy broad enough to capture a member's failed attempts to mine a disclosed specification for broader undisclosed claims. It could have. It simply did not.

While the decision raised no antitrust issues, the court did opine that a rule creating a fiduciary duty on the part of JEDEC participants to disclose their patent applications would raise a risk of collusion.

米国 特許法改正案S.3600

Whip Kyl上院議員が9月28日に上院で行った新しい特許改正案(S.3600)の説明です。

PATENT REFORM -- (Senate - September 27, 2008)
Sen. Jon Kyl [R-AZ]: Mr. President, I rise today to comment on S. 3600, the Patent Reform Act of 2008. This bill is based on, but makes a number of changes to, S. 1145, a patent reform bill that was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in 2007 but that was never considered by the full Senate...(more)

Last Action: Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 563.
Status: Reported by Committee

Whip Kyl上院議員の新しい特許法改正案が9月24日発表されました。

Sec. 2: First inventor to file
Sec. 3: Inventor's oath
Sec. 4: Damages
Sec. 5: Post-grant review
Sec. 6: Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Sec. 7: Third party submissions
Sec. 8: Venue
Sec. 9: PTO regulatory authority
Sec. 10: Applicant Quality Submissions
Sec. 11: Inequitable conduct
Sec. 12: PTO authority to accept late filings
Sec. 13: Limitation on damages available in the DataTreasury case
Sec. 14: PTO funding


>the U.S. regime is already "the gold standard in the world"
8月8日の米国Congress dailyによるとWhip Kyl上院議員がこの秋に新しい特許法改正案を出す計画だそうです。また、この改正案はPatrick Leahy上院議員らによって提案された内容とは大幅に異なるとのことです。確定ではないですが、この改正案には以下の内容が盛り込まれるようです。
  1. 損害賠償裁判において原告は逸失利益ではなくより正確な損害額の算出を要求される
  2. 特許付与後異議の期間は発行後12~18ヶ月に限定され異議理由は新規性と進歩性に限られる
  3. すべての出願についてサーチレポートと特許性検討結果の提出が要求される



米国そしてインド Ventures?or Vultures

NEW DELHI: The $5-bn US fund Intellectual Ventures (IV) is setting up base in India and has entered into agreement to buy patents from the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore and plans to tie up with IIT Madras and other such institutes.
The company owns over 20,000 patents world-wide related to everything from lasers to computer chips and is now eyeing the 15,000 patents filed every year by various research institutes in India. The fund, founded by Microsoft’s former chief technology officer Nathan P Myhrvold (also the CEO), has roped in prof Ashok Misra, who quit as director IIT Mumbai, to join IV India as chairman...(more)

情報追加)from the patent prospector

Intellectual ventures from WSJ

Intellectual Ventures LLC, a low-profile investment firm run by former Microsoft Corp. executive Nathan Myhrvold, is laying plans to go global: It hopes to raise as much as $1 billion to help develop and patent inventions, many of them from universities in Asia.

Mr. Myhrvold said that his firm hasn't sued anybody for patent infringement but that he can't rule it out in the future.

Until now, the firm has focused mainly on buying existing patents in the U.S. -- though it has done some work overseas -- and on dreaming up new inventions in-house with its own group of experts. It has bought thousands of patents but only 26 of its own inventions have been approved so far, according to a spokeswoman...(more)

米国 Performance Review Board (PRB)

Ms. Peterlin は失脚(?)したわけではなかったのですね・・・ それとも巻き返しか!!

Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 197 / Thursday, October 9, 2008 /
The United States Patent and Trademark Office announces the appointment of persons to serve as members of its Performance Review Board.

  1. Margaret J. A. Peterlin (Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and USPTO Deputy Director) will serve as the Chairperson
  2. Stephen S. Smith (USPTO Chief Administrative Officer) will serve as the Vice Chairperson.
  3. John J. Doll (USPTO Commissioner for Patents),
  4. Lynne G. Beresford (USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks)
  5. Wendy R. Garber (USPTO Chief Information Officer)
  6. James A. Toupin (USPTO General Counsel)
  7. Lois E. Boland (USPTO Director of Office of Intellectual Property Policy and Enforcement)
  8. Barry K. Hudson (USPTO Chief Financial Officer)
  9. Jefferson D. Taylor (USPTO Director of Office of Governmental Affairs)
  10. Deborah S. Cohn (USPTO Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Operations)
  11. Margaret A. Focarino (USPTO Deputy Commissioner for Patent Operations)
  12. Kenneth Berman (International Broadcasting Bureau Director of Information Technology)


Don't Worry, Be Happy

As some law firms react to worldwide financial turmoil by calling meetings to tell partners and associates, essentially, "Don't Worry, Be Happy,"

米国 新人弁護士の心がけ

情報追加:2008年10月10日)Be a Lawyer, Not an Employee
Develop a core professional identity in a business environment


How Associates Can Stay Safe in Uncertain Times

Provide top-notch client service.
You as a junior associate will have the smoothest path to success if you focus on providing top-notch customer service to your clients. And your first clients (and, arguably, the most important) are the senior associates and partners with whom you work daily.

Exceed the minimal expectations.
Every law firm has goals and expectations, some of which are spelled out like the billable-hour target and others that you won't find in any manual.
I strongly suggest that you figure out exactly how your performance will be measured and focus on exceeding the goals set by your firm. Thus, if the firm's billable-hour target is 1,900 hours, why would you put yourself in a situation where you have to justify why you didn't make your hours? If you are not getting sufficient work to meet the target, then you need to address this right away instead of cowering in the corner hoping that you will fly below the radar. Be proactive; this is your career!

Don't send an e-mail when you can meet in person.
You want to avoid being the topic of a conversation between partners that starts with, "Can you believe Associate X did ..." When discussions begin that way, the partners usually go on to recount the associate's actions or inactions that drive them crazy such as failing to cite check or proofread briefs, not completing assignments on time, missing the mark completely on a project and myriad others.

Share bad news early and propose solutions for the problem.
Bad outcomes happen in the practice of law. Instead of becoming paralyzed if something does not go according to plan, go immediately to your supervising lawyer to advise her of your concerns (or mistakes).

Prepare a written professional development plan today.
I strongly advocate that you prepare a concrete, written plan of personal action items you intend to pursue over the next 90, 180 and 365 days to advance your professional development. Write down the specific projects you want to undertake to sharpen your legal skills (e.g., draft an entire section of a summary judgment brief) as well as how you intend to better serve your internal and external clients (e.g., schedule lunch with your internal clients to get feedback on your work performance). Focus on skills that will serve you well regardless of whether you stay in your current firm or are compelled to move elsewhere.

米国 副大統領候補のメールをクラック

Lawmaker’s son indicted in Palin e-mail hacking
テネシー大学経済学専攻の学生が、共和党副大統領候補Sarah Palin女史のメールアカウントをクラックして、その情報をWEB上で公開したそうです。彼の父親は民主党の議員だそうですからただですみそうもありませんね。


WIPO Expands its Distance Learning Program

distance learning program にいくつか新しい言語が追加されました。(LINK

EPO Useful tables and statistics, coverage and codes(メモ)

Kind of publication codes included in the WIPO XML data (PDF, 10 KB)
Kind Code Concordance List (PDF, 140 KB)
Number format concordance - publication numbers (PDF, 82 KB)
Number format concordance - application/priority numbers (PDF, 32 KB)
Table of all PRS codes available for SPCs (PDF, 122 KB)
SPC Number Formats (PDF, 4 KB)
Concordance list for the Italian provinces (PDF, 61 KB)


What’s Hot in Green Patents–Wind Power and Fuel Cells
EPOは新エネルギー市場におけるどんなカテゴリーよりも燃料電池と風力発電の特許を扱うと、EPOの二人の審査官 Victor Veefkind と Thomas Maxischは発表した。( a presentation at Copenmind)


米国 USPTO長官

PLIでMr.Quinnは次のUSPTO長官としてCAFC判事Pauline Newman女史を推しています。確かに彼女はCAFCの中でもユニークに見えますがいかんせん、もう80歳を越しているのですよね。体力的に厳しいですよね。


中国 初の最高検察院による特許案件の控訴審に決着

China IP News Letter JETRO北京センター知的財産権部 知財ニュース2008/10/4号 (N0.119)


★★1. 初の最高検察院による特許案件の控訴審に決着★★★ 
北京市高等法院の審判監督法廷は、「創造性」の評価基準をめぐる最高検察院の控訴を受けて審理を行い、国家知識産権局専利復審委員会(JPO審判部に相当)が出した第5528号特許無効宣告請求審査の決定を支持する判断を下した。最高人民検察院の特許行政審判に対する控訴案件としては、初のケース。 争点の特許は、発明特許番号第CN99114212.8号。専利復審委員会は2003年10月15日、同特許が無効審判請求されたことを受けて審査を行い、「同特許の権利請求項3-6は創造性を備えていない」と認定。一審の北京市第一中院においても同特許を無効とする専利復審委員会の判断が支持された。しかしその後の北京市高院第二審判判決では、「創造性が認められる」との判決が下り、同特許を無効とする判断が撤回された。 最高人民検察院は、北京高等法院の二審判決に対し、特許の創造性を示す主たる証拠が不足していたとして、行政訴訟法第64条に基づき最高人民法院(最高裁)に控訴した。審判監督手続きに基づき、北京市高等法院の審判監督法廷は当案件について再度審査を行い、審査結果を発表した。 最終的に北京市高等法院の審判監督法廷は、専利復審委員会による創造性判断基準や権利請求範囲の解釈を支持する判決を下した。今回の判決は今後の特許審理に影響を及ぼす可能性があると見られている。(国家知識産権網 2008年8月26日)







JPO 「三極特許庁ラウンドテーブルディスカッション」の参加者募集



開催場所:科学技術館 特設会場(1ホール)





雑談 中国の基礎力(ちから)


5:20 起床
  ↓   床上[とこあげ]・歯磨・洗面・トイレ等
  ↓   自習
  ↓   朗読自習
  ↓   学内食堂で朝食・各自使用した食器を洗って片付け
 7:25 教室へ移動
  ↓   勉強の準備
  ↓   教室で全員起立し国歌謹聴
 7:40 学習開始:午前4科目
  |   3科目は45分間学習―10分間の休み時間
  ↓   最後の1科目は60分間学習―休み時間無し

  |   学内食堂で昼食・各自使用した食器を洗って片付け
  |   給湯室でポットにお湯を入れ寮の部屋へ運んでおく。
  ↓   (帰寮後、手足や髪を洗ったり身体を拭いたり飲用にしたりなど)
  ↓   午後の自習
  ↓   休憩
13:40 学習開始:午後4科目

  |   2科目は45分間学習―10分間の休み時間
  ↓   2科目は60分間学習―10分間の休み時間

  ↓   学内食堂で夕食・各自使用した食器を洗って片付け
  ↓   夕方の自習
  ↓   休憩
19:25 学習開始:夜間3科目

  ↓   3科目共45分間学習―10分間の休み時間

  ↓   自由時間
22:30 消灯・就寝

米国 パテントシステムに影響を与える新しいビジネスモデル

New Patent Acquisition Service Reduces Patent Assertion and Litigation Costs
“RPX helps technology and e-commerce leaders protect themselves from intellectual property litigation so they can focus on patent development rather than patent defense,” said John Doerr, partner at KPCB.
More than 1,500 patent infringement lawsuits were filed in the United States in the first half of 2008 - many with multiple defendants. Average estimated litigation costs are approximately $4.5 million, according to a 2005 American Intellectual Property Law Association survey. These lawsuits cost operating companies billions of dollars annually. Total costs to companies are far higher when factoring in costs of non-litigation assertions and settlements.

2008年の前半で1500件以上の特許訴訟が生じ、その平均費用は約$4.5 millionとのことです。この新しいビジネスモデルが本当に思惑通りの効果を生じるのか?
Time will tell. と言ったところですね。(1)(2


雑談 もしもUSPTOがコロラドへ引っ越すとしたら・・・


According to one article (click here to read), the EPO staff “claim[s] that the [EPO] is decentralising and focusing on granting as many patents as possible to gain financially from fees generated.” Some estimates indicate that national patent offices have accumulated over $442.1 million (that’s right, almost half a billion bones) of income from EPO-granted patents. And that is for the 2007 fiscal year alone! Projected estimates raise this total to an astonishing $3.9 billion dollars in 2008.
(from phosita)(and Here)