
米国 Seagate大法廷判決後の故意侵害の認定 アップデート

Litigating Willful Infringement in the Post-Seagate World (from Landslide)
By William L. LaFuze and Michael A. Valek

It has been a little more than a year since the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit changed the playing field for willful patent infringement in its en banc decision in In re Seagate. That decision removed the long-established affirmative duty of care to avoid infringement, substituting in its stead a new legal requirement: the determination of willful infringement now teeters on whether the accused infringer’s actions can be shown to have been objectively reckless. But how has the change to the legal standard affected the way in which willful infringement is litigated? Now that a number of courts have had the opportunity to interpret and apply the objective recklessness standard, the practical effect of the Seagate decision is increasingly evident. Here are some of the high-level observations gleaned from one year of post-Seagate case law...(more)

右の記事は暇つぶしにどうぞ Seagate アナザー・ストーリー

August 20, 2007 CAFC大法廷において、全会一致にて故意侵害の認定には “at least a showing of objective recklessness.”が必要とされました。
 In re Seagate Technology (PatentlyO) ,CAFC opinion


IP Today 1月号にその情報があります。故意侵害になった判決、故意侵害とならなかった判決のサマリーがあり、故意侵害とならないためのおおよそのガイドラインが示されています。例えば、米国弁護士に鑑定を依頼する場合にどのようなオピニオンがもらえれば安心(あくまでも故意侵害の有無という観点ですが・・)かなどがわかります。


One Year Later: The Impact of Seagate
By Tom Leach of Merchant & Gould

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