






2008年12月26日(金)18時39分配信 時事通信


米国 もっとも注目を集めたニューストップ10

(from ABA Journal)
1. U.S. News Law School Rankings Leaked; NYU Down, Columbia Up, March 26
2. Looking for Simpler Life, Lawyer Burns Harvard Law Diploma, October 28
3. ‘Cravath Model’ that Created Have and Have-Not Law Grads Could Implode, July 22
4. ‘Abysmal’ Associate Attire Leads to Fashion Counseling, January 31
5. After 170 Layoffs, White & Case Pares Down $250K Holiday Party; No Fireworks, November 12
6. Things You Should Never Put in an E-mail, December 3
7. Excel Error by a Cleary Gottlieb Associate Alters Lehman Asset Deal, October 16
8. Partner Offers $10K Bounty for Blogger’s Identity, January 22
9. Law Grad, 32: Don’t Do What I Did, January 16
10. DLA Piper Asks 275 Non-Equity Partners to Ante Up, Goes to 1-Tier Structure, November 19

米国連邦裁判所 Rule Making Podcasts+α(メモ)


U.S. Courts Federal Rulemaking Podcasts
Welcome to Federal Rulemaking Podcasts! We have posted audio recordings of select rules committee proceedings. You can choose to get the latest Federal Rulemaking podcasts delivered directly to your audio device.

November 17, 2008 - Title: "Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26 and 56" - Advisory Committee on Civil Rules
Play podcast
Part 1 (MP3, 60.3 MB, runtime 52:43)
Part 2 (MP3, 48.8 MB, runtime 42:37)
Part 3 (MP3, 69.5 MB, runtime 1:00:42)
Part 4 (MP3, 80.8 MB, runtime 1:10:34)
Part 5 (MP3, 47.6 MB, runtime 41:36)

Thomson Reutersプレスリリースより

Click here to download World IP Today Report - China



中国 三星特許侵害訴訟で敗訴、損害賠償5000万人民元




三星侵犯华立手机专利 判决赔偿5000万 (中国法院網
作者: 章苒 发布时间: 2008-12-23 11:44:21

CDMA/GSM double-mode mobile communication method and its communication equipment
Abstract of CN 1367623 (A)
The present invention relating to a mobile communication method and its divice for being used in honeycomb frequency band aspect can be mainly used to establish radio communication with IS 95 GSM network or CDMA network. The method can be realized by designing CDMA or GSM mode auxiliary commonicatino module inferface and attaching a CDMA or GSM mode auxiliary communication module on mobile phone which can be used on GSM or CMDa system mode.; The device can be built up with following steps, 1) to attach GSM mode auxiliary communication module expansion interface on mobile phone with CDMA mode so as to let mobile phone have expansible GSM mode, b) to attach CDMA mode auxiliary communication module expansion interface on mobile phone with GSM mode so as to let mobile phone have expansible CDMA mode, c) to attach GSM auxiliary communication module on mobile phone basically in CDMA mode to let it be double mode mobile phone which can select CDMA and GSM, d) to attach CDMA auxiliary communication module on mobile phone basically in GSM mode to let it be double mode mobile phone which can select GSM and CDMA. It this way, people can realy realize global communication with using the same one mobile phone.


Huali Group Co. Ltd.

【摘要】 本发明涉及一种能够适用于蜂窝频带方面的移动通信方法及通信设备,主要用来建立与IS95 GSM网或CDMA网的无线通信,在适用于GSM或CDMA系统模式的手机上设计CDMA或GSM模式的辅助通信模块接口和附加一个CDMA或GSM模式的辅助通信模块,a).在具有CDMA模式的手机上附加GSM模式的辅助通信模块的扩展接口,使其具备可扩展GSM模式;b).在具有GSM模式的手机上附加CDMA模式的辅助通信模块的扩展接口,使其具备可扩展CDMA模式;c).在基本模式为CDMA的手机上附加GSM辅助通信模块,使其成为可选择CDMA和GSM的双模式手机;d).在基本模式为GSM的手机上附加CDMA辅助通信模块,使其成为可选择GSM和CDMA的双模式手机;真正实现使用同一部手机的全球通信。

【主権項】 1.一种CDMA/GSM双模式移动通信的方法,其特征是:在适用于GSM或CDMA系统模式的手机上附加一个CDMA或GSM模式的辅助通信模块,包括:a).在具有CDMA模式的手机上附加GSM模式的辅助通信模块的扩展接口,使其具备可扩展GSM模式;b).在具有GSM模式的手机上附加CDMA模式的辅助通信模块的扩展接口,使其具备可扩展CDMA模式;c).在具有CDMA模式的手机上附加GSM模式的辅助通信模块,可选择CDMA/GSM双模式通讯;d).在具有GSM模式的手机上附加CDMA模式的辅助通信模块,可选择GSM/CDMA双模式通讯。


米国 クレーム解釈混沌の原因はCAFCか?


Does the Federal Circuit Need a Fresh Viewpoint?
(from Inventive Step)

The Federal Circuit was originally created to bring more uniformity to patent law and limit forum shopping. With very few exceptions, the Federal Circuit has exclusive jurisdiction of appeals involving patent law issues from the district courts and the PTO. In recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has been taking a number of patent cases and reversing the Federal Circuit, but the U.S. Supreme Court certainly can not take all of the patent law cases where it perceives error. In other areas of law, the Supreme Court looks to circuit splits as an indication of an issue being ripe for it to declare the law of the land. In patent law, there are no circuit splits.

Because of this, the Federal Circuit has been criticized for being isolated and for having a sterile jurisprudence. This is based on its status of effectively being the “supreme court” of patent law.

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court has been asking for briefs from the United States–either the Department of Justice or the solicitor of the Patent Office–at the cert stage to assist in determining whether to review certain patent law cases.

Professors Craig Nard and John Duffy have called for the creation of at least one additional court of appeals to hear patent cases in order to advance the common law in the area. This could be a new circuit court, or the addition of some appeals going to the D.C. Circuit. This would requre a legislative change; patent law reform has long been on Congress’ docket, but seems difficult to pass...(more)

Professors Craig Nard and John Duffy は知財領域でコモン・ロー形成を促すためにCAFCの他にも特許ケースを扱う控訴裁判所を設けるよう求めています。



  1. 最高裁におけるMarkman判決により、クレーム解釈は法律問題として判事の担当であることが明確にされた。この判決により、クレーム解釈は法的基準で処理され、CAFCという統一された機関がそれを受け持つことにより、クレーム解釈の基準が生成され結果を予期しやすくなるということが期待された。
  2. 確かに、この判決以後連邦地裁の判決をCAFCが覆す割合が減少したということが統計的解析で示唆された。
  3. しかし、CAFCによる連邦地裁の判決を覆す割合は、Cybor事件(1998年, Cybor Corp. v. FAS Techs., Inc.)後しばらくして上昇に転じた。
  4. Cybor判決において、連邦地裁によって行われたクレーム解釈をCAFCがde novo(最初からやり直し)で行うことをCAFCは決定した。
  5. その後、Vitronics事件(Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc.)において、CAFCはクレーム解釈はintrinsic evidence(特許明細の記載)に基づいて解釈することを判示した。
  6. さらにその後、Texas Digital事件(Texas Digital Systems v. Telegenix, Inc.)において、CAFCは従来extrinsic evidenceとして扱われてきた辞書の記述をintrinsic evidenceの一部として扱い、これに基づいて解釈することを判示した。
  7. その後、Phillips 事件(Phillips v. AWH Corp.)において連邦地裁はVitronics事件での判示に基づき、特許明細の記述に基づきクレーム解釈し、Phillips特許(US4,677,798、以後'798特許と呼ぶ)のクレーム範囲を狭く解釈し、AWHは'798特許を侵害していないとの判決を下した。
  8. PhillipsはCAFCに控訴したが、CAFCパネルは連邦地裁の判決を支持(2:1)した。
  9. PhillipsはCAFCに大法廷での審理を要請し認められた。
  10. 大法廷での争点として、(1)intrinsic evidence優先か?、(2)extrinsic evidence優先か?、それとも(3)どちらが優先というルールを決めることができるのか? などという点が挙げられた
  11. 結果として、intrinsic evidence優先であるが判事の判断でextrinsic evidence優先としても良いという(どっちつかづの)結果が示された。
  12. CAFCがde novoでクレーム解釈をおこなうことの是非はこの大法廷では示されなかった。
  13. 結果として、大法廷前よりもクレーム解釈の原則が曖昧になってしまった。


1.から13.に関する詳細な内容がこの論文で議論されています。クレーム解釈の基準選択の自由度を判事に与えながら、de novoを続けるというCAFC(これにはCAFCの中にも根強い反対派例えばニューマン判事)の姿勢は、まるでクレーム解釈基準を決める責任を下級審に押し付けておきながら気に入らない判決は容赦なくひっくり返すぞ!!とでも言っているように思えます。CAFCの過去の判決、Vitronics事件とTexas Digital事件において異なる基準が採用されたようにCAFC判事の中でも意見の統一が図れていません。







1. 改ざん時期

2. 改ざんが行なわれた対象のウェブサイト




EPO オフィシャルジャーナル2008年12号発行

Year 31, Number 12, Pages 567 - 609
Contents PDF Size
Contents view 57 KB
Decisions of the boards of appeal
Legal Board of Appeal

J 10/07 - 3.1.01 - Subsequent filing of drawings/AMAZONEN-WERKE
"Transitional provisions of the EPC 2000" - "Subsequent filing of drawings not contained in the original application; re-dating of the application (no)" - "Substantial procedural violation (yes)" - "Reimbursement of appeal fee (yes)" - "Protection of legitimate expectations"

view 217 KB
Information from the EPO
Renovation of the Isar building of the European Patent Office view 46 KB
New edition of the EPO Guide for applicants (Part 2) - "Euro-PCT" view 31 KB

European qualifying examination
Examination Board for the European qualifying examination
Appointment of members of the examination committees

view 36 KB
List of professional representatives before the EPO view 87 KB
From the contracting states

SI Slovenia
New telephone and fax numbers

view 32 KB
International treaties

Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the PCT

view 44 KB
Guidance for the payment of fees, expenses and prices view 37 KB
Abolition of payment by cheque
view 29 KB
Calendar of events
Calendar of events view 66 KB
Regulation on the European qualifying examination for professional representatives view 293 KB

米国 陪審員説示の実例+α(メモ)

  1. 陪審員説示テンプレート(Patent)
  2. 陪審員説示実例(Patent)


米国 CAFCデシジョン ミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション(メモ)


(注1) US6,913,254
What is claimed is:
1. A locating and clamping assembly comprising:
a body defining an internal cavity and an opening from said cavity to the exterior of said body;
a locating pin disposed in said cavity and extending along an axis A out of said opening to a distal end;
an actuator for moving said locating pin rectilinearly along said axis A into and out of said opening;
at least one finger supported by said locating pin adjacent said distal end;
said assembly characterized by a mechanism for moving said finger along a straight line into and out of said locating pin perpendicular to said axis A in response to said rectilinear movement of said locating pin.

(注2) Lighting World, 382 F.3d at 1360
In light of the principles discussed above, it is not surprising that we have seldom held that a limitation not using the term "means" must be considered to be in means-plus-function form. In fact, we have identified only one published opinion since Greenberg in which we have done so, and that case provides a useful illustration of how unusual the circumstances must be to overcome the presumption that a limitation lacking the word "means" is not in means-plus-function form.

(注3) Decision
Thus, the unadorned term “mechanism” is “simply a nonce word or a verbal construct that is not recognized as the name of structure and is simply a substitute for the term ‘means for.’” Lighting World, 382 F.3d at 1360.


Means-Plus-Function Fools Gold (from PatentlyO)
 Welker Bearing v. PhD, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2008)

Mechanism For: Welker's patent claims a clamping mechanism for holding parts in place when welding. The appeal focuses on construction of a "mechanism for moving said finger." Affirming a prior similar ruling, the Federal Circuit found that the claim structure "mechanism for [performing a function]" is presumptively interpreted as a means-plus-function claim element.

"The term 'mechanism' standing alone connotes no more structure than the term 'means.'" Quoting MIT v. Abacus Software, 462 F.3d 1344 (Fed. Cir. 2006).

Instead of claiming a "mechanism for moving said finger," the patentee could have claimed a "finger displacement mechanism." Opining on that counterfactual, the Federal Circuit noted that it would not have presumed a means-plus-function construction.

"If claim 1 … had recited, e.g., a "finger displacement mechanism," a "lateral projection/retraction mechanism," or even a "clamping finger actuator," this court could have inquired beyond the vague term "mechanism" to discern the understanding of one of skill in the art...(more)

mechanism for moving said finger along a straight line into and out of said locating pin.. (from US6,913,254 claim1)

"finger displacement mechanism," a "lateral projection/retraction mechanism," or even a "clamping finger actuator," 


米国 USPTO品質保証専門家がクビ!?



CAFC Affirms PTO’s right to fire quality assurance specialist for 35%+ error rate
(from PatentlyO)
Pal was a quality assurance specialist at the USPTO. His job was to review patent examiner decisions and determine whether the examiner made any 'errors' in either rejecting or allowing claims. In 2005 and 2006, the PTO reviewed 16 randomly selected cases from Pal's file to determine whether he was properly reviewing examiner decisions. They found he was not making the correct decisions – that he erred more than 35% of the time. (A 25% error rate would have been acceptable)...(more)


EPO Patent Information News issue4が発行されました

Patent Information News issue 4/2008 (latest edition) (PDF, 550 KB)



e-learning Acrobatの使い方(メモ) アップデート

Case Analysis Part III: Exporting a PDF Portfolio List to a Spreadsheet
PDF Portfolios for Case Analysis, Part 1
PDF Portfolios for Case Analysis, Part 2
Acrobat Legal Training Movies
Watch 1-hour Forms eSeminar

WIPO 個人情報保護


(from WIPO)
In response to privacy concerns, address data will no longer be displayed for individual applicants and inventors on the Bibliographic Data tab in the PATENTSCOPE® search service. This change will have the effect that personal address data will not longer be indexed or displayed by internet search engines. Complete information for all applicants and inventors (including address data) will continue to be accessible on the front page of published PCT international patent applications and other documents available through the Documents tab in the PATENTSCOPE® search service.


米国 USPTOに関する批判


Former patent officials say backlog should become a top priority (from Government Executive)
CongressDaily December 12, 2008

Reducing the Patent and Trademark Office's growing backlog of applications should be one of the highest priorities for the agency in the Obama administration, several former high-level PTO officials agreed Thursday...(more)

Congress Should Enact Rule 56 Immediately (from PLI)
12 December 2008
Over the past several years I have been a harsh critic of the United States Patent & Trademark Office because there are substantial problems facing the US patent system and I do not believe any of the reforms urged by the USPTO are calculated in any meaningful way to address those problems. According to the recently released 2008 USPTO Performance and Accountability Report the overall average pendency of a patent application is 32.2 months, and the average wait for the Patent Office to respond to the applicant on the merits of the application by returning a First Office Action is 25.6 months. So on average you file your application and then wait more than two years for the Patent Office to give any substantive response. If your invention relates to computers or communication technology the wait for the First Office Action is even longer; 30.8 months for computers and 32.5 months for communications. Of course this means that the average pendency in those areas is well more than the overall Office average as well; specifically 42.4 months to completion for computers and related technologies and 43.6 months for communications technologies. This is extremely disheartening given that for many of these inventions by the time the Patent Office ultimately gets around to responding to the applicant on the merits or actually issues a patent technology has moved on to the next generation, which will undoubtedly wait around at the Patent Office until it to is obsolete. As of the end of Fiscal Year 2008 there are 1,208,076 patent applications still pending at the Patent Office,..(more)

WIPO ニュースレター2008年12月号発行

WIPO: PCT Newsletter, December 2008 (No. 12/2008)

SIS (Supplementary International Search) が2009年1月1日から導入されます。従来のPCT出願では国際調査機関によって国際サーチレポートが作成されていましたが、オプションでこれに加えて補助サーチレポートの作成を申請できるというものです。従来はサーチレポートで有力な先行技術が発見されていなくてもナショナルフェイズで新たな先行技術が発見されて特許化できないと言うことがよくありましたが、SISの導入によりこのリスク低減が期待されます。例えば、米国の出願人がUSPTOを国際調査機関として指定して日本に出願する場合、USPTOの調査員が日本における先行技術を十分調査できるかというと言語の壁に直面し難しいと思います。この場合、JPOにSISを依頼すれば調査段階で有力な先行技術を見つけることが可能になります。







米国 知財訴訟DB

Fifth Circuit
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana 11 3 6 9 4 8 5 4 8 58
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi 5 0 0 2 1 0 1 3 1 13
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 0 17
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas 54 52 44 54 57 61 43 43 38 446
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas 24 35 31 54 105 161 264 369 279 1323
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas 49 48 46 46 50 53 28 28 33 381
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas 22 23 13 21 43 41 18 18 14 213
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana 12 11 19 8 10 13 5 8 7 93
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana 3 3 3 1 2 4 0 1 1 18
Subtotal 184 177 164 196 273 344 365 477 381 2561
Title Date Filed Last Docket Entry Terminated On
Adrain v. Genetec Inc Et Al 10/31/2008 12/5/2008 --
Dallas A C Horn & Co v. Fabco Equipment Company Inc 10/31/2008 10/31/2008 --
Container Store, Inc. v. Schulte Corporation Et Al 10/31/2008 12/5/2008 --
Applied Concepts Inc v. Kustom Signals, Inc. 11/3/2008 11/4/2008 --
Balthaser Online, Inc. v. Network Solutions LLC Et Al 11/4/2008 12/5/2008 --
Safety Link International, Inc. v. Boyce Et Al 11/6/2008 11/17/2008 --
Adrain v. Genetec Inc Et Al

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
(TXED)Case No: 2:08-cv-00423-TJW-CE

Dec 1, 2008
Nov 1, 2008
# Date Filed Text Tags Download
19 12/5/2008 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Mark S Hubert for Platescan, Inc.. (APPROVED, FEE PAID, 2-1-4309) (ehs, ) (Entered: 12/05/2008)

18 12/5/2008 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Rick Klingbert for Platescan, Inc.. (APPROVED, FEE PAID, 2-1-4309) (ehs, ) (Entered: 12/05/2008)

17 12/4/2008 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Returned Executed by John B. Adrain. Genetec Inc served on 11/18/2008, answer due 12/8/2008. (ch, ) (Entered: 12/05/2008)

16 12/4/2008 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Returned Executed by John B. Adrain. PIPS Technology, Inc served on 11/7/2008 (ch, ) (Entered: 12/05/2008)

15 12/4/2008 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Returned Executed by John B. Adrain. Elsag North America LLC served on 11/5/2008. (ch, ) (Entered: 12/05/2008)

14 12/4/2008 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Returned Executed by John B. Adrain. The City of Plano, Texas served on 11/6/2008. (ch, ) (Entered: 12/05/2008)

12 11/26/2008 ORDER granting 6 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer for PIPS Technology, Inc.. Signed by Magistrate Judge Charles Everingham on November 26, 2008. (jml, ) (Entered: 11/26/2008) Order
- 11/26/2008 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is GRANTED pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Platescan, Inc. to 12/12/2008. Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, ) (Entered: 11/26/2008)

13 11/25/2008 APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Attorney Roy B Thompson for Platescan, Inc. (APPROVED)(FEE PAID) 6-1-15992. (ch, ) (Additional attachment(s) added on 11/26/2008: # 1 Confidential Information) (ch, ). (Entered: 11/26/2008)

11 11/25/2008 Defendant's Unopposed first Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Platescan, Inc..( Thompson, Roy) (Entered: 11/25/2008)

- 11/25/2008 ***FILED IN ERROR. Document # 8 & 9, Additional attachments. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (ch, ) (Entered: 11/25/2008)

- 11/25/2008 ***FILED IN ERROR. Document # 8, Unopposed Application. PLEASE IGNORE.*** (Attorney must refile, did not use application)(ch, ) (Entered: 11/25/2008)

10 11/25/2008 ***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE*** Additional Attachments to Main Document: 8 Unopposed Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint.. (Thompson, Roy) Modified on 11/25/2008 (ch, ). (Entered: 11/25/2008)

9 11/25/2008 ***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE*** Additional Attachments to Main Document: 8 Unopposed Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint.. (Thompson, Roy) Modified on 11/25/2008 (ch, ). (Entered: 11/25/2008)

8 11/25/2008 ***FILED IN ERROR, DIDN'T USE APPLICATION*** Defendant's Unopposed first Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Platescan, Inc..( Thompson, Roy) Modified on 11/25/2008 (ch, ). (Entered: 11/25/2008)

- 11/25/2008 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is GRANTED pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for The City of Plano, Texas to 12/11/2008. 15 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, ) (Entered: 11/25/2008)

7 11/25/2008 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re The City of Plano, Texas.( Pearce, Paul) (Entered: 11/25/2008)

6 11/25/2008 Agreed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer AGREED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR DEFENDANT PIPS TECHNOLOGY INC. TO ANSWER by John B. Adrain. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Polasek, John) (Entered: 11/25/2008)

- 11/24/2008 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint is GRANTED pursuant to Local Rule CV-12 for Elsag North America LLC to 12/24/2008. 29 Days Granted for Deadline Extension.( ch, ) (Entered: 11/24/2008)

5 11/24/2008 Defendant's Unopposed First Application for Extension of Time to Answer Complaint re Elsag North America LLC.( Hardin, Roy) (Entered: 11/24/2008)

- 11/4/2008 Filing fee: $ 350.00, receipt number 2-1-4210 (ch, ) (Entered: 11/06/2008)

4 10/31/2008 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Jeffrey Scott David on behalf of John B. Adrain (David, Jeffrey) (Entered: 10/31/2008)

3 10/31/2008 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by John T Polasek on behalf of John B. Adrain (Polasek, John) (Entered: 10/31/2008)

2 10/31/2008 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action Regarding A Patent or Trademark. (Copy forwarded to the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.). (ch, ) (Entered: 10/31/2008)
Download PDF
- 10/31/2008 E-GOV SEALED SUMMONS Issued as to Genetec Inc, PIPS Technology, Inc, Elsag North America LLC, Platescan, Inc., The City of Plano, Texas. (ch, ) (Entered: 10/31/2008)

1 10/31/2008 ORIGINAL COMPLAINT WITH JURY TRIAL DEMAND against Genetec Inc, PIPS Technology, Inc, Elsag North America LLC, Platescan, Inc., The City of Plano, Texas (Filing fee $ 350.), filed by John B. Adrain. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(ch, ) (Entered: 10/31/2008) Pleading Complaint/Counterclaim Download PDF



发布时间:2008年12月11日 来源于:中国保护知识产权网

Surprises Found in Data on IP Suits
 Zusha Elinson
 The Recorder
 December 10, 2008
It's not true that patent infringement suits are going through the roof -- filings have held steady for eight years -- but there are a whole lot more defendants out there looking for lawyers.
While many IP litigators have been busier in the past few years, the actual number of infringement suits has hovered between 2,300 and 2,800 a year. But in 2007, the number of defendants named in these cases jumped from around 6,000 in 2006 to 9,000.
That's just one of the facts revealed by Stanford Law School's Intellectual Property Litigation Clearinghouse, a searchable online database unveiled Monday evening that tracks all patent cases since 2000. Offering hard statistics on trends, from how many suits have been filed to how plaintiffs fare in front of a particular judge, the clearinghouse is being greeted enthusiastically by lawyers. (from Law.com)

Stanford Law School Launches Intellectual Property Litigation Clearinghouse
 Publication Date: December 08, 2008
 Source: Stanford Law School
—Legal Innovation in IP Infrastructure—

STANFORD, Calif., December 8, 2008—The Law, Science & Technology Program at Stanford Law School today launched the Stanford Intellectual Property Litigation Clearinghouse (IPLC), a first-of-its-kind online database that offers comprehensive information about intellectual property disputes within the United States. This publicly available, online research tool will enable scholars, policymakers, lawyers, judges, and journalists to review real-time data about IP legal disputes that have been filed across the country, and ultimately to analyze the efficacy of the system that regulates patents, copyrights, trademarks, antitrust, and trade secrets.
As part of the development process, an early version of the IPLC was made available to roughly 200 IP scholars across the country in August 2008, as well as to philanthropic supporters, so that both groups could help test the system and maximize its usefulness. On an ongoing basis, IPLC affiliated scholars at Stanford Law School will be issuing successive reports on various topics, including trends in patent litigation, settlements, and case outcomes. The IPLC data will also be available to scholars everywhere, so that they can produce their own, independent studies. Most importantly, all three branches of government—judicial, executive, and legislative—may use the IPLC to track, manage, analyze, and debate IP litigation in real time.


米国 規則改正の口頭弁論 アップデート

Federal Circuit holds oral arguments in claim and continuation limit rules case
(from Filewrapper)
 CAFC panel (Rader, Bryson, Prost)
 Tafas v. Dudas (Oral Arguments 2008)
 解説:(from PLI1, PLI2)(from Patent Prospector)(from Patent Baristas)



EPO テキサス大学の特許、異議で潰れる

テキサス大学の特許とすると、米国内ではSovereign Immunityで訴訟に関しては無敵(反訴の恐れがない)ですが、欧州だと当然免疫不全になるのですよね・・??(でも、特許が潰れたから問題ないか)

Valence Technology Prevails in Decision by European Patent Office to Revoke University of Texas Patent
December 09, 2008 (from Business Wire)

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Valence Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: VLNC), an international developer of safe lithium phosphate energy storage solutions, prevailed in today’s decision by the Opposition Board of the European Patent Office (EPO) to revoke the European Patent granted to the University of Texas (UT) relating to lithium metal phosphates. The decision revoking the Goodenough et. al. UT European Patent eliminates any risk that UT could assert the European Patent against Valence’s proprietary lithium iron magnesium phosphate cathode material, which is a critical material for the next generation of electric vehicle batteries.

Valence had initiated opposition proceedings in the EPO on July 27, 2005, against the grant of the European Patent held by the University of Texas alleging that it lacked novelty. As a result of today’s decision, European Patent number 0904607, originally issued to UT, has been revoked by the EPO in its entirety. The decision to revoke the patent can be appealed by UT...(more)



01 27/07/2005 04/08/2005 ADMISSIBLE
301 Conestoga Way
Henderson, NV 89015 / US
Opponent's representative
Beckmann, Claus
Kraus & Weisert Patent- und Rechtsanw?lte Thomas-Wimmer-Ring 15
80539 M?nchen / DE


Invitation to proprietor to file observations on the notice of opposition


Reply of patent proprietor to notice(s) of opposition


Date of oral proceedings