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Newz Crawler
One valuable feature of this service is that it will check for updates on pages of sites that do not provide their content in syndicated format, which includes most law firms' Web sites.

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特許翻訳 ミーンズ・プラス・ファンクションクレーム

特許翻訳の基礎と応用」、倉増 一著、講談社サイエンティフィク刊 は訳例が豊富で密度の濃い良い本です。単に、翻訳の教科書というだけでなく特許の法律的側面に踏み込んだ説明があるのにも好感が持てます。


関係部分を抜粋します。日本語 → 英語 の例題です。
【請求項1】 被検粒子を含有する試料液をシース液で囲み扇平状に流すフローセルと,

1 . A flow particle image analyzer comprising:
  • a flow cell that makes a flat flow of a sample solution containing particles,the solution being surrounded by a sheath solution;
  • a lighting unit that illuminates a flowing region of the particles;
  • an imaging device that takes an image of the illuminated particles;a processor that processes the image;
  • an output device that feeds the results,and
  • means for smudging the image of the particles.


【請求項1】の「粒子の像を不鮮明にする粒子像不鮮明手段」に相当する“means for smudging the image of the particles"は典型的なミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション形式で書かれています.


 means for smudging the image of the particles
確かにこの英文は典型的なミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション形式(means for performing)ですが、この部分をわざわざミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション形式で翻訳する必要はないと思います。
こう記載しておけば、特許侵害訴訟においてプロダクトクレームとして解釈される可能性が高まります。means for performingで記載してしまうとミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション形式の推定(反証は可能)が働いてしまいます。特許訴訟時に、特許の権利範囲を狭くするためにミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション形式であるとの攻撃材料を相手サイドに与える可能性があります。


「ん?」の2件目は文例16(WO2004/032303 特表2006-501798)です。この出願をミーンズ・プラス・ファンクション形式と見なしていますがこれは見立て違いで出願人はプロダクトクレームのつもりで出願していると思います。この件に関しては別記事で書きます。

独 特許法改正

  • To reduce the current huge backlog of pending nullification appeal cases ("Nichtigkeitsberufungen"), the German Federal Supreme Court is set to be changed from an instance fully revising factual and legal points to an instance competent substantially only for legal points. Hence, in future there will be only a single instance where facts and evidence can be presented, the Federal Patents Court ("Bundespatentgericht"). The court system will simply be cut back by eliminating the option of presenting fresh facts and evidence during appeal in patent nullification cases;
  • Improvements concerning the legal basis for implementation of electronic workflows in throughout the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, the Federal Patents Court as well as the Federal Supreme Court;
  • Cancellation of a current provision of German Patent Act according to which any person who has brought an infringement action may bring a further action against the defendant on account of the same or a similar act on the basis of another patent only if, through no fault of his own, he was not in a position to assert that patent also in the earlier suit.
  • Broadening of the Opposition procedure in German Trade Mark Law; also non-registered elder rights shall be eligible as a basis for a Notice of Opposition;
  • Reform of the German Act on Employees' inventions ("Arbeitnehmererfindungsgesetz") by introducing a legal fiction to the effect that claiming by the employer of an invention made by an employee is assumed per default.


米国 裁判必勝法



When the Justices Ask Questions, Be Prepared to Lose the Case (LINK)


Appellate Practice: Working Models for the Court (PatentlyO)
Farrago v. Rawlings Sporting Goods (Fed. Cir. 2009)

Farrago submitted a sample of the accused product to the appellate court so that the judges and clerks could examine the product prior to oral arguments.

During oral arguments, the court thanked Farrago's attorney - noting that the sample "was very helpful." Of course, the court needed only 24 hours to release its opinion against Farrago.





「 中国の知的財産丸ごと乗っとり策 」

 (櫻井よしこ ブログ!)
「中国は2008年8月、特許法改正の検討を開始した。重要点は『絶対的新規性』基準の採用である。これによって、すでに公知の知的財産は、中国では特許の対象として認められなくなる」 中国がまだ所有していない技術や仕組みであっても、日米欧などで商品化され公知となっていれば、絶対的新規性はないとされ、中国では特許として認められないという意味だ。他国の技術を、特許料を払わずタダで使える国内法を作ったともいえる。報告書はさらに記述する。 「もうひとつの変化は、中国企業及び個人は、中国国内で達成した発明に関して、(他国の企業や個人に先駆けて)最初に出願する法的義務を免れるという点である」 この点について報告書は、さらなる情報収集が必要としているが、想像されるのは以下の悪夢のような事柄だ。中国以外の企業や個人が新技術や新案を発明した と仮定する。中国人がそうした知的財産を“不法”に入手して、中国に持ち帰ったとしよう。当然、そのような新技術や新案は中国の特許事務所には出願も登録 もされていないはずだ。それでも、中国側は、それは、出願・登録されていないだけで、中国の企業、もしくは個人として、すでに中国にもあるのだと主張す る。そのような主張の余地を作ったのが、昨年の特許法改正だと思われるのだ。




新技術や新案は中国の特許事務所には出願も登録 もされていない

そもそも、この記事は米国の報告書を元に作成しているようですが、自分で改正中国特許法を検証して裏をとったのでしょうか? この内容からして裏を取ったとはとても思えませんが、ジャーナリストはそれも有りの世界なのでしょうかね。そういえば、朝日新聞支局襲撃事件に関する週刊新潮の誤報も裏を取ってなかったのが原因でしたね。そういう反省が全然横展開されないのがジャーナリズムの特徴のようです。


ジャーナリズムでは、事実の特定、新情報の発掘が基本になければならない。逮捕翌日の朝のワイドショーの時間までに、今、名前を挙げた人びとはどれだけの調査や取材をしえただろうか。森永氏は、この件で、法相が指揮権を発動すべきだと、本気で考えたのだろうか。 無責任だと断じざるをえないこの種のコメントが多く発せられるワイドショーの影響は、少なくない。影響力を及ぼす立場の人びとは、少なくとも、もう少しまともな発言を心がけてはどうか。LINK)





Posted by: MaxDrei | May 22, 2009 at 02:49 AM
I venture to suggest that this management move is yet another that is inspired by observation of case management at the EPO, where dissent judgements are unknown.

As you all know, EVERY EPO Decision, positive to Applicant, or negative, carries three signatures, whether it be 3 Examiners or 3 Appeal Board Judges. Yet, only one of the panel of three knows the file in full detail. The system breeds collegiality and an esprit de corps at first instance. The totally independent second instance has no hesitation to disagree with the Examiners, and does so, fairly often.

The system is inherently expensive, but necessary for consistency, when the panel members are from any one of 35 Member States. It is neither the English system, where a single judge decides patent validity at the High Court in London, nor the German system where patent validity at first instance is decided by a 5 judge panel at the Federal Patents Court in Munich. All 5 judges read the case. Now that's what I call expensive.

The EPO system nourishes consistency. The caselaw of the EPO is constantly evolving but without any swing of a pendulum. Practitioners can tell you, with a high level of confidence, what will work and what won't.

The more complicated you make the practiuce of law, the more complexity you breed. Why allow dissent judgements below Supreme Court level, except to pander to the vanity of judges? Why have a Doctrine of Equivalents, except to give judges more freedom to waffle? The beauty of the European Patent Convention is that it contains the irreducible minimum of provisions needed in a patent statute. It emerged in 1973 on a plain white sheet of paper carrying no baggage of previous Statutes. You should stay with your present FtI Statute in all its magnificent obfuscation, or do what Europe did, that is, clear away the accumulated legal rubbish, and start afresh.

To my mind, the new Rules for the BPAI are a step in the right direction, but a step that will bring (assuming nothing else changes) only more wailing, gnashing of teeth and tearing of shirts.


Posted by: American Cowboy | May 22, 2009 at 09:55 AM
MaxDrei does it again: holds up the EPC and EPO as the highest and best evolution of patents in the history of the world. While I am open minded and like to hear of other approached to solving problems, his constant insistence on the perfection of the European model is really irritating.

Posted by: MaxDrei | May 22, 2009 at 10:05 AM
You know what, Cowboy, there are two particular reasons why I do it:

1. I'm proud of EPC/EPO, a little bit of European co-operation and shared culture (even if I'm not very proud of a lot of other stuff in Europe) and

2. It "really" irritates my socks off, when Americans keep going on about how America is so superior (in every way) to everybody else on this planet.

You can realate to both of those, eh Cowboy?

And, thanks, Smash, for the reason you give. Actually, I had thought another was more important. In common law Binding Precedent, the identity of each individual judge is a key brick in the legal edifice. Not so in (more socialist??) civil law jurisdictions where consensus is more important.




ちょうど、IP Watchdog に陪審員評決の実例が掲載されていましたので参考に紹介します。 (LINK)
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP の特許手続きマルプラクティス訴訟に関する評決です。


こちにんは これは ほやんしくゃ てせきい テスト です。 いかの ぶしんょ を よんで くいさだ。

  •  となり の きゃく は よく かき くう きゃく だ。
  •  すもも も もも も もも のちう。
  •  とょきうう ときっょ きかょょきく。

この ぶしんうょが ススララ と よめ まかす? よむ とき に いかわん が あり まかたし?


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

こんちには みさなん おんげき ですか? わしたは げんき です。
この ぶんょしう は いりぎす の ケブンッリジ だがいく の けゅきんう の けっか
にんんげ は もじ を にしんき する とき その さしいょ と さいご の もさじえ あいてっれば
じばんゅん は めくちちゃゃ でも ちんゃと よめる という けゅきんう に もづいとて
わざと もじの じんばゅん を いかれえて あまりす。
どでうす? ちんゃと よゃちめう でしょ?
ちんゃと よためら はのんう よしろく




At a Symposium of Judges, a Debate on the Laws of Fashion (NYT)
Published: May 22, 2009

Joan H. Lefkow of the Northern District of Illinois, she said one lawyer had shown up for a jury trial in a velour outfit that looked for all the world as if she was “on her way home from the gym.”

Judge Michael P. McCuskey, chief judge of the Federal District Court for the Central District of Illinois and a member of the panel, said that at moot court competitions in law schools, he had seen participants wearing “skirts so short that there’s no way they can sit down, and blouses so short there’s no way the judges wouldn’t look.”

Judge Goldgar added that he was also unhappy with lawyers who sported loud ties, some with designs like smiley faces.

One woman parodied the male judges’ comments: “I’m sorry, Sugar, I’d love to listen to what you’re saying, but I have a penis. As such, I am only able to use one sense at a time.”

She added: “What garbage! Poor men can’t control themselves, so women have to respond.”



Text not available



Claim 1
Apparatus for controlling the common mode impedance misbalance of an isolated single ended electronic circuit by controlling an impedance to a common mode current that is present between each signal path in the circuit and all return paths for the common mode current, comprising:

  • (a) a solid inner shield that encloses at least a portion of the circuit, the solid inner shield being coupled to a circuit ground that is a reference for each signal path in the circuit;
  • (b) a solid outer shield that encloses at least a portion of the solid inner shield that encloses the circuit; and
  • (c) a capacitor that is coupled between the solid outer shield and a non-reference input of the circuit, the capacitor having a value that is determined in relation to another value of a parasitic capacitor formed between the solid inner shield and the solid outer shield, whereby a desired ratio of impedances from each signal path to all return paths for the common mode current is provided.(WO0067372)

回路における各信号パスと同相電流のための全てのリターンパスとの間に存在する同相電流に対するインピーダンスを制御することで、絶 縁されたシングルエンド電子回路の同相インピーダンス不均衡を制御する装置であって、

  • (a)該回路の少なくともある部分を囲み、該回路における各信号パス のための基準である回路接地に結合されたソリッド内方シールドと、
  • (b)該回路を囲む該ソリッド内方シールドの少なくともある部分を囲むソリッド外方シー ルドと、
  • (c)該ソリッド外方シールドと該回路の非基準入力との間に結合されたキャパシタとを有し、該キャパシタは、該ソリッド内方シールドと該ソリッド 外方シールドの間に形成される寄生キャパシタの値に関連して決定される値を有しており、それによって、該同相電流のための各信号パスから全てのリターンパ スへのインピーダンスの望ましい比率を提供するように構成されていることを特徴とする装置。(特表2002-543730)

... each signal path in the circuit and all return paths for the common mode current,

... each signal path to all return paths for the common mode current ...
・・・同相電流のための各信号パスから全てのリターンパ ス・・・

(for the common mode current)」が修飾している単語が文1と文2で異なっています。文1ではeach signal pathとall return pathsという要素をandで結んでおり、
文2ではeach signal path to all return pathsと2つの要素が一体的に記載されているので、「ひょっとして」上記のように修飾関係を解釈したのかもしれませんが、同一クレーム内で今回のような修飾関係が変わるなど通常はあり得ないことです。(もし、そのような意図の原文だとするなら原文の品質に問題ありです。)なお、どちらの修飾関係が正しいかは技術的バックグラウンドを把握し明細書の記述を参照しないとなんとも言えません。

今回はWO(米国基礎出願) → 日 段階の誤訳ですから大きな問題にならないかもしれませんが、
もし、日 → 米 で同様な誤訳があったとしたらクレーム解釈上問題になってくる可能性があります。クレームは特許の心臓部ですから翻訳チェックは万全を期したいものです。

米国 IPポッドキャスト アップデート

China Insights IP Think Tank Podcast 18 May 2009
Patent update and comparisons between the United States and Europe IP Think Tank Podcast 4 May 2009
Patent reform in the United States,
Patent harmonisation and patent damages,
The economic crisis and intellectual property practice, and
Some solutions to the overabundance of lawyers
Tom Tom v Microsoft Linux Australian and US patent reform - IP Think Tank Podcast 6 April 2009
・The Tom Tom and Microsoft case;
・Open source, Linux and the press;
・Recent patent reform proposals in Australia and comparisons with Europe and the United States;
・Tafas v Doll, Continuations and Rule 78; and
Apportionment of damages in the current US patent reform bill.
India, IP and the Economic Crisis
Welcome to the IP Think Tank podcast for Monday 16th March 2009. In this week's call, regular panellists Shamnad Basheer and Duncan Bucknell discuss the global economic crisis and it's implications for intellecutal property in India.

The global economic crisis and the intellectual property ecosystem IP Think Tank 6 Mar 09
In this special edition podcast, guest panellists Teresa Stanek-Rea, Nick Redfearn and William New join Jeremy Phillips and Duncan Bucknell to discuss the global economic crisis and its implications for the intellectual property ecosystem.
Director's liability, IP in Business Schools and US Patent reform IP Think Tank Podcast 6 Mar 09

  • Director's liability for mismanagement of IP assets;
  • Strategic IP Management in Business School Curricula; and
  • Patent Reform in the United States.

Goods seizures in Europe Deferred patent examination China vs USA IP Think Tank Podcast 16 Feb 09

  • Fallout from the World Trade Organisation dispute between China and the United States;
  • Dr Reddy's, CIPLA, India, Brazil and the EU and the emerging controversy over seized pharmaceutical goods;
  • TRIPS compliance and too much protection within a country;
  • The infringement approach to goods transiting through Europe in trade marks versus patents;
  • Deferred examination in the United States, Europe and elsewhere; and
  • New approaches to productivity in patent examination

Reverse payments in US Pharma, Vintage prior art, The ever growing prior art base and Utility models

• Solvay, Senator Kohl’s proposed US Bill and reverse payments in US pharmaceutical litigation;
• Open season on patents;
• The IPKat’s call for Vintage prior art;
• The impact on patent validity of the ever growing body of knowledge and our increasing ability to retrieve and aggregate it;
• Utility model patents, petty patents, innovation patents and protectionism; and
• Jeremy’s proposed new presidential character right.

Bilski, final appellate courts, European Court of Justice, Perfume IP Think Tank Podcast 2 Feb 09

* Bilski and the US Supreme Court;
* the House of Lords, the European Court of Justice and the US Supreme Court;
* final appeals in European patent cases;
* cross-jurisdictional citations in IP cases;
* accessibility of IP judgments around the world; and
* the upcoming ECJ decision on perfumes and trade mark infringement.
Obama, patent reform, patent litigation in the USA and Europe IP Think Tank podcast 26 Jan 09
• President Obama and the evolving IP system in the United States;
• Patent Reform in the United States and Europe;
• Location, staffing and management of Patent Offices;
• Patent litigation in Europe and the United States;• Whether the UK Courts are more harsh on patents
Barack Obama and US IP Policy, IP litigation and share price, IP Strategy and open innovation IP Think Tank Podcast 19 January 2009
 The impact of Barack Obama on US IP policy
 The dramatic increase in foreign filing rate at the USPTO
 Whether senior management at IP offices should come from an IP background
 Patent Quality and open innovation
 IP strategy at IBM and Microsoft, and
 The impact of IP litigation on share price
A Conversation with CAFC Chief Judge Paul Michel
(from IP colloquium)

Copyright moral rights and fame IP Think Tank Podcast 5 Jan 09

This week’s show features a fiery debate amongst regular panellists Jeremy Philips, Shamnad Basheer and Duncan Bucknell about copyright and moral rights terms, particularly for famous authors.

RIAA Litigation, 3 strikes, Obelix and Classen IP Think Tank Podcast 30 Dec 08RIAA change in litigation strategy, three strikes approach to online copyright, Obelix trade mark decision, Classen

IP Think Tank Week in Review Podcast 12 December 2008

  • The Indian Bayh Dohle Act;
  • Intellectual property as an incentive to innovation and creativity; and
  • Development economics and intellectual property policy.


IP Think Tank Week in Review Podcast 8 December 2008

  • The recent increase in IP litigation in the UK;
  • IP enforcement as a business decision;
  • The European Commission report on the pharmaceutical industry;
  • R&D incentives, competition law and ‘gaming the system’ in pharmaceuticals and other industries;
  • Innovation strategies in new markets as against optimising existing markets;
  • Creative Commons and the Obama / Biden Change.gov website; and
  • Patent term adjustments in the USPTO and the recent Wyeth case.

Keywords: Intel, ECJ, trademark trade mark dilution, Patents Manual, Software patents Sir Hugh Laddie


IP Think Tank Global Week in Review Podcast 24 November 2008

European Court of Justice decision in the Intel and Intelmark trade mark case, Australian ISP copyright infringement, ‘Article One Partners’ and its quest to invalidate patents, and patent quality.





Fewer than one-third of companies surveyed expect to file more patent applications this year than last

Townsend and Townsend and Crew61人をレイオフ

Fish & Richardson120人をレイオフ, Fish & Richardsonさらなる経費削減策
Morgan & Finnegan 倒産

USPTO予算が危機に ,(LINK)


Patent Filing Survey Results 5/18/2009 (LINK)
**Eighty-five IPO corporate members completed the survey. The survey was conducted from April 14 to April 23.
Not every company responded to every question.

1. For calendar year 2009, what is your company’s plan or expectation for filing new U.S. patent applications compared with 2008?

  • 29% of respondents said filings would increase
  • 41% of respondents said filings would decrease
  • 30% of respondents said filings would remain unchanged
  • Of those who said filings would increase, 48% said the increase would be 1 to 5%, 26% said the increase would be 5 to 10% and 26% said the increase would be greater than 10%
  • Of those who said filings would decrease, 34% said the decrease would be 1 to 5%, 16% said the decrease would be 6 to 10% and 50% said the decrease would be greater than 10%
2. If you have a basis for answering that is more than mere speculation, what is your company’s plan or expectation for filing new U.S. patent applications in 2010 as compared with 2009?

  • 41% of respondents said filings would increase
  • 9% of respondents said filings would decrease
  • 50% of respondents said filings would remain unchanged from 2009
3. For calendar year 2009, what is your company’s plan or expectation for maintenance fee payments?

  • 17% of respondents said payments would increase
  • 34% of respondents said payments would decrease
  • 49% of respondents said payments would remain unchanged from 2008
4. For calendar year 2009, what is your company’s plan or expectation for payment of extension fees?

  • 5% of respondents said payments would increase
  • 37% of respondents said payments would decrease
  • 58% of respondents said payments would remain unchanged from 2008
5. For calendar year 2009, what is your company’s plan or expectation for filing of RCE’s?

  • 8% of respondents said filings would increase
  • 20% of respondents said filings would decrease
  • 72% of respondents said filings would remain unchanged from 2008
6. For calendar year 2009, what is your company’s plan or expectation for filing of appeals?

  • 21% of respondents said filings would increase
  • 16% of respondents said filings would decrease
  • 63% of respondents said filings would remain unchanged from 2008
7. For calendar year 2009, what is your company’s plan or expectation for filing new PCT applications with the USPTO as Receiving Office?

  • 15% of respondents said filings would increase
  • 22% of respondents said filings would decrease
  • 63% of respondents said filings would remain unchanged from 2008

EPO オフィシャルジャーナル・特別版

special edition 1/2009 of the EPO Official Journal

EPC2000で導入されたLimitation(訂正審判?)や Revocation(無効審判?)、EPOにおける当業者の考え方など結構興味深い内容が掲載されています。

 ドイツ語 > フランス語 > 英語

Vizepräsident des Bezirksgerichts Den Haag ドイツ語
Vice President, The Hague District Court 英語
Vice-Président du tribunal de première instance de La Haye フランス語

Effect of the London Agreement
on patent litigation
The ratification of the London Agreement
was authorised by the sole article of Law
No. 2007-1477 of 17 October 2007. It is
now possible, therefore, to enjoy the
protection of a European patent even if
the description is in a language other
than French. However, Article L.614-7
IPC, enacted by the law of 29 October
2007, provides that the description
must be translated into French for the
purposes of litigation before the national

Scope of claims: relevance of
statements made during the grant
procedure for determining the
Paris Court of Appeal (Fourth Chamber,
Division B), judgment of 22 February
2008 in Thermohauser v Matfer (PIBD,
No. 872, III, p. 244 and PI JC July/
August 2008, p. 35, with comments by
Privat Vigand)
In an otherwise typical case concerning
revocation and infringement of a French
patent, the Court of Appeal sought to
remove doubt as to the scope of a claim
introduced during the grant proceedings
by reviewing the evidence taken for the
purposes of examining the application
and, in particular, statements made by
the patentee during the examination
phase to clarify the scope of the claim.
Although, when EPC 2000 was drawn
up, it was decided not to lay down any
European rule requiring systematic
consideration of the examination dossier
for the purpose of determining the scope
of claims (Article 3 of the Protocol on the
Interpretation of Article 69 EPC not
adopted), the Court took the view that
dossiers may be consulted exceptionally
where features have been added to the
claims during the examination phase.
This was all the more important in the
context of French law, under which the
applicant may not amend the description
or, in particular, the introduction in order
to outline the new technical problem said
to be solved by the invention in the new

Enforceability of amendments to a
European patent
Paris Court of Appeal (Fourth Chamber,
Division B), judgment of 19 October
2007 in Maasland v Lely industries and
C. Van der Lely NV
In this case, amendments were made
between the filing of the application and
the grant of the European patent, but
after infringement proceedings had been
It was undisputed that the means which
were the subject of the amended
claim were essentially included in the
The Court of Appeal held that, although
claims must be interpreted in the light of
the description, they must nevertheless,
under Article 84 EPC, include the
essential features of the claimed
Since that was not the case in the
circumstances in question, the Court
ruled that, although the European patent
had taken effect retroactively from the
date of the application, it was not
enforceable against third parties from
the date on which the application was
published but rather from the date on
which the patent was granted.




Vaio TypePを持っているのですが、PDFビューワとして使うなら縦長画面の方が便利ですね。



CAFC大法廷判決(自発) プロダクト・バイ・プロセスクレームの死 アップデート

(271) (PatentDocs) (Law.com)
プロダクト・バイ・プロセスクレームの特許性と、侵害の範囲に関するCAFCの過去の矛盾するデシジョンを整理し、はっきりした基準 (Bright line) を示しました。
Scripps Clinic & Research Foundation v. Genentech, Inc., (Fed. Cir. 1991) の
"the correct reading of product-by-process claims is that they are not limited to product prepared by the process set forth in the claims."
Atlantic Thermoplastics Co. v. Faytex Corp., (Fed. Cir. 1992) の
 a product by process claim is infringed only if the accused infringer practices the process steps recited in the claim, not merely produces the product by any method 
"even though product-by-process claims are limited by and defined by the process, etermination of patentability is based on the product itself"

一方で、最近の米国最高裁の判決は特許案件は一律に判断できないとしてCAFCのBright Line作りを意図したデシジョンを覆していますが、今回の決定はその傾向に対して「どうなのよ?」という意見がブログ上で散見されます。

sua sponte
Abbott Laboratories v. Sandoz, Inc.

En Banc Federal Circuit: Infringement of Product-by-Process Claim Requires Practicing the Process

sua sponte:
(sooh-uh spahn-tay) adj. Latin for "of one's own will," meaning on one's own volition, usually referring to a judge's order made without a request by any party to the case. These include an order transferring a case to another judge due to a conflict of interest or the judge's determination that his/her court does not have jurisdiction over the case.


米国 USPTO規則改正案 Agenda (メモ)

米国ではオバマ政権になって(?)各行政庁は次の6ヶ月の間に実施予定の規則改正案 Agendaを6ヶ月毎に掲示しなければならなくなりました。USPTOの2009年春バージョンの規則改正案リンクを下に示します。

Current Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (LINK)
Agency Rule List - Spring 2009
Department of Commerce

DOC/PTO Proposed Rule Stage
Interim Guidelines for Examination of Patent Applications for Patent Subject Matter Eligibility
DOC/PTO Proposed Rule Stage
Changes to Rules of Practice Before the Board of Appeals and Interferences in Inter Partes Appeals
DOC/PTO Proposed Rule Stage
Revision of Patent Fees for Fiscal Year 2010
DOC/PTO Proposed Rule Stage
Change to Disciplinary Proceeding Hearing
DOC/PTO Proposed Rule Stage
Revision of Fees for Application for Registration and for Registration
DOC/PTO Final Rule Stage
Changes to Representation of Others Before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
DOC/PTO Final Rule Stage
Institution of a Fee to File on Paper a Request for Reconsideration of a Final Office Action in a Trademark Case
DOC/PTO Final Rule Stage
Correspondence With the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Office of the General Counsel
DOC/PTO Final Rule Stage
Changes in Requirements for Signature of Documents, Recognition of Representatives, and Establishing and Changing the Correspondence Address in Trademark Cases
DOC/PTO Final Rule Stage
Changes To Practice for Documents Submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Changes to Information Disclosure Statement Requirements and Other Related Matters
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Revision to the Time for Filing of a Biological Deposit and the Date of Availability of a Biological Deposit
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Examination of Patent Applications That Include Claims Containing Alternative Language
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Changes to Rules of Practice Before the Board of Appeals and Interferences in Interferences
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Changes in Procedures for Filing Trademark Correspondence by Express Mail or Under a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Changes to Implement Electronic Patent Publication
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Elimination of Issuance of Trademark Registration Certificates in Paper Form
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Fiscal Year 2009 Revision of Request for Continued Examination, Eighteen-Month Publication, and Other Miscellaneous Cost-Recovery Patent Fees
DOC/PTO Long-Term Actions
Revision of Patent Fees for Fiscal Year 2011
DOC/PTO Completed Actions
Miscellaneous Changes to Trademark Rules of Practice
DOC/PTO Completed Actions
Fiscal Year 2009 Changes to Patent Cooperation Treaty Search Fees

グローバル IP インデックス2009 アップデート

IP ThinktankのPoscastで以下の内容が話題にされています。
The Global Intellectual Property Index 2009
Welcome to this special edition of the IP Think Tank podcast on the 13th of May 2009. In this show Duncan is joined by our online specialist, Ben Lehman to chat to Roland Mallinson and Nigel Stoate from Taylor Wessing about the just-released 2009 edition of their Global Intellectual Property Index.

Taylor Wessing Global Intellectual Property Index 2009


米国 最新の知財状況プレゼン資料(メモ)

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Current State of Patents and Patent Law

Seagate Plus One: How the District Courts are Implementing Seagate;
Seagate Plus One (Article)
Patent Remedies: Can Quanta Finish What eBay Started? [Written Version]
Empirical Analysis Of Permanent Injunction Decisions Following eBay
Patent Portfolios [Written]; Understanding Patent Quality Mechanisms


米国 USPTO審査官のぼやき



They do have the reputation of having a select few attorneys who will walk across the street and yell/scream their way to an allowance. I have yet to personally experience it, but I have heard it too many times from too many examiners to believe it to be false. Maybe my day is coming . . . I have heard several stories about ***** attorneys milking the clock during interviews to discuss things like whether an IDS is proper or not (for as experienced as ***** is, they cant file an IDS to save their lives sometimes), so there may be some truth to what the first poster said.


*** loves personal interviews and their arguments are not always that great. One of the attorney's from *** kept repeating that he actually read the specification the night before while he was chewing away on a piece of gum as loudly as possible in my face. I don't mind weak arguments but I do mind having a man-cow in my office. During another personal interview with ***, a different attorney was arguing with me that he understands that I want my count but that his client would really like their patent. I told him I don't see any need for an attorney to even discuss an examiners counts during an interview at which point he got quiet and started flipping through a stack of papers as if he had prepared something. My SPE suggested that I should start noting these things on the interview summary so that the client is aware of what actually goes on during interviews; I think that's a great idea and all examiners should consider it.

もっと過激な投稿(first poster said)もありましたがここに掲載することははばかられるので割愛します。

EPO 中国リーガルステータスが参照可能になりました

Chinese legal status data can now be accessed in the INPADOC legal status database (please check initial newsflash on this topic)

The first batch of data in week 18/2009 comprised of back-file data from 2008. Separate batches of up to 500 000 records will continue to be loaded each week. The estimated schedule set for the completion of the back-file uploads is week 25/2009. The comprehensive collection will include over 6.7 million records and cover all Chinese legal status events for patent and utility model applications in China dating back to October 1985.

The legal status events in the database are linked to the filing number and refer to document types on the following publication levels:

A Laid open application for a patent of invention
B Examined patent application (used until 1993)
C Granted patent for invention (used since 1993)
U Laid open utility model application (used until 1993)
Y Granted utility model (used since 1993)


ぜひ読んでください。 Twitterの簡潔さがあっていますね。
100 Tweets: Thinking About Law Practice in 140 Characters or Less


EPO European Patent Forumのトピック

IP WatchからEuropean Patent Forumに関するトピックをいくつか紹介します。

An oft-repeated statistic at the event was the fact that some 93 percent of business method patent applications to the EPO are rejected.
a study that found while increasing a patent portfolio increases a firm’s survival chances, patents on pure business methods seem to have little impact on the firm performance, said Stephen Hey, principal director at EPO

Gillian McFadzean, director of Technology & Research Services at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, said when “you talk to universities, they often have complaints about the IP system.”

They want to exploit their innovations to increase reputation and standing, attracting students and qualified researchers, she said. But the patent granting system is seen as taking too long or too confusing. “You might miss the optimum time to go to the market,” she explained, and there is a threat of litigation, which is a problem as people “don’t understand how the legal system works.” IP protection is seen as a “black art,” she added, and there’s a “need to break down that barrier” and bring IP into the creative and innovation system.

Legal Wars



Small, congenial law firm needs top notch associate attorney to join our exceptional team. Please do not apply if you do not meet the following requirmenets:

1. Top half of the class at Harvard, Yale, UPenn, U Michigan, or Georgetown; top 10% at U Chicago, Boalt or UCLA. Top 1% everywhere else.
2. Law review and/or moot court experience a MUST.
3. Federal Clerkship REQUIRED.
4. Must be willing to accept $28,000 per year. $10,000 bonus for billing over 2500 hours a year. The bonus is pro-rata more, so it is worth the extra billing.
5. Must be willing to make coffee every hour, on the hour. The position is open becuase our last associate sustained severe burns from the hot plate in which the coffee post rests. We had to discharge him as he required too much "leave" time.
6. Insurance after two years, with employee contribution at 50%.
7. Must be willing to share a desk with a paralegal. She said you can have the top drawer.
8. Must be in the office by 8am, and remain until 10pm. On Fridays, you can leave by 9:30pm.
9. Must be a team player.
Please send resume to the link above. Good luck- hope to see you soon!

  • Compensation: $28,000
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

ジョークにしても 1.の大学の評価が興味深いですね。ちなみに今年の米国ロースクールのランキングは【LINK】を参照ください。

米国 無料判例データベースリンク集 (メモ)

Get Your Free Case Law on the Web By Robert J. Ambrogi
Law Technology News
May 8, 2009

通常のGoogle検索でヒットするし、外部リンクが使えるので現在の私のお気に入りは6. Justiaです。

1. Fastcase and Casemaker.
Fastcase Its Supreme Court library dates back to 1754. Its federal circuit cases start from the beginning of the Federal Reporter second series in 1925 and its federal district court cases go back to 1912.
Casemaker, its Supreme Court library also dates back to 1754. Its federal circuit library goes back to 1930 and its federal district court cases go back to 1932.
Both services have appellate cases from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. All Fastcase libraries go back at least to 1950.

2. VersusLaw, FindACase
検索上の欠点は州ごとにしか検索できないというで、連邦地裁と控訴裁判所それぞれ別々に、州毎に検索しなければなりません。また、他ケースへのサイテーションリストもありません(有料で購入可能)。They provide free access to the same federal and state cases that are in the paid version. But it lacks key features and suffers in usability.
It has all Supreme Court opinions since 1886, federal circuit opinions since 1930 (except for the ninth, D.C. and federal circuits, which start later), federal district courts as far back as 1931, and appellate courts for all 50 states plus D.C., Puerto Rico and Guam, some as far back as 1910.

3. PreCYdent (1年以上ベータで運用中)
It includes all Supreme Court opinions since 1759, complete with official U.S. citation and pagination. It has all federal circuit opinions since 1950, including official citations and pagination for those through 2006. With only a few exceptions, it also has all federal district opinions since 2004.
On the state side, it has appellate opinions from 38 states and the District of Columbia. These are mostly from within the last decade, but some go back even earlier. The oldest set of opinions -- those of the Oklahoma Supreme Court -- dates back to 1890.

It has all Supreme Court cases, all federal circuit opinions since 1950, and all state appellate opinions since 1997. It does not include federal district court or state trial court opinions. In February 2008, Fastcase opened this free library of cases, statutes, regulations, court rules and legal forms. For simple, bare-bones research, it is a useful option.

5. AltLaw (A joint project of Columbia Law School and the University of Colorado Law School)
Its library includes only federal cases, and now has all Supreme Court opinions since 1803, all published federal circuit opinions since 1950, and all unpublished federal circuit cases since 1996.

6. Justia
It has all Supreme Court opinions, all federal circuit court opinions since 1950 and some U.S. district court opinions.
It includes full-text searching of all cases plus the ability to browse decisions by court and date. For those courts it does not have, it provides links to external sources.

7. Findlaw
It has a library of court opinions published on the site and also provides links to other sources of court opinions. Included on Findlaw are all Supreme Court opinions since 1893 and all federal circuits, with most circuits going back to 1995. It also has state appellate opinions dating back in most cases to 1996.

8. Public.Resource.Org.
このサイトの目的はすべての判例を公開すること。2008年2月に最初の資料集を公開した。サイトはデータ倉庫で検索機能を提供していないがGoogleのサイトサーチ("site:bulk.resource.org" followed by the query)を使って内部データを検索できる。PreCYdentAltLawもこのサイトのデータを使用している。
It now has Supreme Court decisions all the way back to 1754 and federal circuit opinions back to the beginning of the Federal Reporter series in 1880 (with some gaps in coverage between 1924 and 1950). It also has a number of state cases.

9. LexisONE
It includes access to Supreme Court cases since 1781 and to all federal and state cases decided within the last 10 years.
While it lacks the full functionality of the LexisNexis database, it allows for searches to be conducted by keywords or citation. Searches can also be conducted for specific parties, judges and lawyers. To use it, free registration is required.

10. LII
It has all Supreme Court opinions since 1990 and a collection of 600 older cases selected for their historical significance. It also has all New York Court of Appeals decisions issued since 1990.









PCT で mpf を意識していないであろう「手段」も "means" としておいてほ

アントの希望によって override されてしまうわけです。クライアントは自





Hewlett-Packard Proves Legal Departments No Safe Haven From Churn

The Recorder
May 08, 2009
While in-house departments were once thought of as the softer alternative to law firms, far away from the soul-crushing performance reviews and billable hours requirements, times are changing, said one law department consultant.
In HP's intellectual property department, for instance, of about 70 U.S. lawyers who were there when Holston came on, only about a third are left, according to an informal survey. Some took an early retirement package in 2007; others were cut subsequently, during one of the rounds of company layoffs, pushed out, or left on their own. At least a dozen who left fit this profile: late 40s and early 50s, with 15 to 20 years of experience at the company.

One was Haggard, who left in January and took a job as VP of patent and IP development at Rambus. Another was Guy Kelley, an HP engineer-turned HP lawyer who spent a total of 27 years at the company. He decided to retire after the IP department got shaken up with new leadership.




Blogger のスパム対策ロボットにより、このブログにスパム ブログの疑いがあることが検出されました (スパム ブログとは)。しかしながら、自動システムを使用しておらず、このメッセージをご覧になられている場合は、スパム ブログではないと考えられます。 スパム検出システムは自動化されているため、誤って検出された場合はお詫び申し上げます。

2009/05/08 にロック解除のリクエストをいただいております。 スパムではないブログをロックしてしまったことを、ロボットに代わってお詫びいたします。 お知らせいただきましたブログを調査し、スパムではないことが確認されるまで、しばらくお待ちください。

偏見? でも、事実かな

The Most Creative States
Melanie Lindner, 05.07.09, 06:15 PM EDT
Some states birth more new intellectual property than others. Here are the most prolific of the bunch.

Six Ways To Unlock Your Company's Creativity
Prize Diversity
Sameness--of thought, background and experience--is a creativity killer, warns Steve Shapiro, an innovation consultant and Accenture veteran. Indeed, "the person you like the least is the person you need the most," he warns. Innovative organizations tend to have a healthy mix of four kinds of people--creative types, consensus builders, analytical minds and plan implementers--which fosters a healthy creative tension. The tough part: finding an overall fit. To boost the odds, U.K.-based sandwich retailer Pret A Manger, for example, requires that all potential employees spend one "test day" working on the floor of a store before they are hired.