
米国 残業管理


The per attorney cost for overtime in the Chicago office is higher than the firm average and significantly higher than some offices. You may think that working an extra 15 -30 minutes per week is not significant. It is. We have to reduce our number and we are instituting the following guidelines. The guidelines are simply stated and easy to achieve. If you have questions, we are happy to discuss them with you.

1. Work your scheduled shift, e.g. if you are scheduled to work from 8 - 5:30 do not log on to Kronos because you are here early. If you arrive to work before your your scheduled shift as a result of your train schedule, we suggest you set an outlook reminder to clock in every morning at your scheduled start time.
2. Do not log on to Kronos before you get your breakfast, or before you apply your make-up, or before you put in your contacts or run down to Starbucks or McDonalds. Log on AFTER you have done all your personal items and only once you begin your work day.
3. Take your full lunch hour and clock out BEFORE you go to pick up or purchase your lunch .
4. Do not eat your breakfast or lunch at your desk.
5. If you leave the office for a break you must log off.
* Log off when you take a cigarette break
* Log off when you run to Walgreens
* Log off when you run to Starbucks
* Log off anytime you leave the building.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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