(Bill ) (Leahy, Specter, Feinstein, Cornyn, Whitehouse, Kaufman) - Adopted
(Bill ) (Kyl) - Defeated, Vote: 4-13
Sweeping patent reform legislation cleared a key United States Senate committee Thursday and is now headed for a vote on the Senate floor after compromises were reached on key sticking points in the bill.
The measure (S 515) is the latest attempt by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (Democrat, Vermont) and other lawmakers to push through changes to the US patent system, and it appears to have wide support across industry sectors.(LINK)
Huge Changes to Senate Patent Reform Bill Announced (IP Watchdog)
Amendments to Patent Reform Bill To Be Submitted Tomorrow (271)
Senators agree on patent changes (LINK)
(Patent prospector)
CNET - "Controversial provisions remain in patent reform bill"
Reuters - "Congress takes up patent redo, damages fight looms"
CNNMoney.com - "Congress To Try Again On Patent Reform"
(Patent Docs)
"Patent Reform in the 111th Congress: Legislation and Recent Court Decisions"
(patent fairness)
(IP Watchdog)
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