
インド 知財業務のアウトソーシング

foreign filing license恐れるに足りずだそうです。この世界同時不況がインド知財業界にとって吉と出るか凶とでるか、どっちでしょう。(LINK

A leader in business process outsourcing, India has positioned itself well to accept the work. India produces about 80,000 lawyers each year, compared with the 44,000 lawyers churned out of the U.S.'s 195 American Bar Association accredited law programs. Indian law students are trained in common law, a legal tradition that traces its roots to British rule. Indian lawyers speak fluent English and receive their legal education in English. Unlike the U.S., however, a new Indian lawyer can expect to earn under $10,000 a year, a fraction of the $160,000-plus salary earned by U.S. counterparts at top New York firms.
ちなみに、特許出願の準備を米国内でする場合 $8,000 ~ $15,000かかるのに対し、インドにアウトソースすると平均で$2,000とのことですからその差は大きいですね。米国の特許弁護士の平均年収が $95,000であるのに対しインドの場合は平均$20,000だそうですから当然のことでしょう。

先日USPTOのforeign filing licenseに関するアナウンスを紹介しました。この件に関する米国弁護士の議論を見ていると、どうやら米国企業が知財経費削減のために出願準備をインドのサービス会社へアウトソーシングしていることが安全保障の観点から問題視されているているようです。


IP services include:
  1. Literature and prior art searches including searching databases, conducting freedom to operate studies, patentability and patent invalidity searches;
  2. Patent portfolio analysis and landscaping services including overlap analysis and the creation of claim charts, valuation modeling and competitive intelligence - services pertain to mining and licensing patent portfolios that require deeper experience;
  3. Patent proofreading and docketing - patent paralegal services;
  4. Drafting patent application and technical disclosure and help with prosecution, including writing a preliminary draft of a patent application, helping with drafting amendments and drafting complete technical disclosures for quick conversion into patent office compliant patent applications.

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