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雑談 フェアチャイルド社


No Stay of District Court Proceedings Pending Appeal of Preliminary Injunction (PatentlyO)
Fairchild Semiconductor v. Third Dimension (3D) Semiconductor (Fed. CIr. 2009) (nonprecedential order)



米国 企業知財担当者向けマニュアル

以下のマニュアルをDickstein Shapiro法律事務所のHPから入手できます。(LINK)
An Introduction to Intellectual Property for In-house Counsel was prepared by the Firm’s Intellectual Property attorneys



EPO 分割出願規則改正承認さる(とのこと)

IPKatの情報によると3月26日に分割出願に関する新ルールがAdministrative Councilの投票で認められたらしいです。

Rule 36European divisional applications
Art. 14, 76, 78, 79
(1) The applicant may file a divisional application relating to any pending earlier European patent application, provided that:
(a) the divisional application is filed before the expiry of a time limit of 24 months from the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued, or
(b) the divisional application is filed before the expiry of a time limit of 24 months from a communication in which the Examining Division has objected that the earlier application does not meet the requirements of Article 82 EPC.
(2) A divisional application shall be in the language of the proceedings for the earlier application and shall be filed with the European Patent Office in Munich, The Hague or Berlin.
(3) The filing fee and search fee shall be paid within one month of filing the divisional application. If the filing fee or search fee is not paid in due time, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
(4) The designation fees shall be paid within six months of the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report drawn up in respect of the divisional application. Rule 39, paragraphs 2 and 3, shall apply.

米国 自動車メーカーの特許出願分析(メモ)

PatentCafeが作成(?)した自動車メーカーの米国特許・分析レポートPhilip Brooks' Patent infrigement Updatesにて紹介されていました。
Today, President Obama's Task Force on Autos received the Automaker Patent Assets Intelligence Report (2009 APA-Intel Report) comparing the patent portfolio assets of General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota and Volkswagen.

日本は量をとことん重視という図式が浮かび上がってきます。それにしても自動車の品質面ではああもうるさいトヨタが知財だと・・・ ゴニョゴニョ (日本メーカーはどこも同じ様なものですから人のことは言えないですね、ハハハ)
Patent Management Strategies
As a deductive observation, the data suggests that German automakers do notshare the urgency of establishing an enforceable US patent asset base. This isevidenced by the considerably small Volkswagen portfolio (even though Audi,Bentley, and Bugatti were added to Volkswagen to bolster its patent numbers), aswell as the severe drop off of Chrysler’s patent activity immediately following theDaimlerChrysler merger. It appears that Chrysler is trying to regain it’s pre-mergerfocus on technology and innovation.Toyota, on the other hand, developed an appetite for US patents, and generallyoutpaced all other automakers in new patents between 1995 and 2007. It’s nowa serious “volume player”, but overall, US automakers outscored Toyota’s patentquality rating in nearly every category.


中国 知財民事訴訟数

知识产权民事案件总体增长百分之三十六还多 商标案件增长最多、其次著作权案件……涉外案件增长70.51%
2008年 (LINK)
知財民事一審案件数:24406件 昨年比36.5%増(結審23518件)
知財民事二審案件数:4759件 昨年比66.1%増(結審4699件)
再審案件:102件 昨年比161.5%増(結審71件)


WIPO IPC簡素化で合意


  • The IPC structure will be simplified by abolishing the distinction between the core and advanced level from January 2011. Offices currently using the core level will be able to use the main groups in this unified structure. An updated IPC version will be published every year on January 1, with the possibility of a second publication in case of large numbers of modifications;
  • Development of the IPC will be accelerated with the aim of building an integral, unified international patent classification by progressively integrating local classification systems such as the United States Classification, the European Classification (ECLA), and the Japan Patent Office FI/F Term under new working procedures;
  • New working procedures will enhance the use of the e-Forum, through which experts conduct technical consultations in pursuit of greater efficiency and quality of revision work;
  • The current structure of IPC revision work and procedures will continue to be reviewed in 2010 after one year’s evaluation.


北米 2007-08ライセンシング動向調査結果(メモ)

U.S./Canadian Licensing In 2007-08: Survey Results
By Louis P. Berneman, Iain Cockburn, Ajay Agrawal & Shankar Iyer
Initial Results of a Survey Conducted in Spring 2008by The Licensing Foundation of LES (USA & Canada),on behalf of The Licensing Foundation.

This paper is the fifth report of the AnnualSurvey conducted by the LES Licensing Foundation.As in prior years, the survey was conducted by an online questionnaire of the membership of LES (USA & Canada). The data were obtained primarily in April/May 2008, and refer to the period 2007. Two related but distinct survey questionnaires were used, one for Technology Creators/Users (i.e.buyers or sellers, licensors or licensees), and one for Professional Service Providers (law firms and consultants).

日本 特許検索ポータルサイト(メモ)




FIやFタームの相関性を示す情報は【FIやFタームの相関性を示す情報に関するデータ 】からデータを取得できるようです。ZIPファイルで70Mbyte弱あります。





 Patent Defendant Turns the Tables With Rarely Used Strategy (Law.com)
 E-Pass Technologies, Inc. v. 3Com Corp.(CAFC)
 Former Client Targets Firms to Recoup Fees From Failed Patent Suit (Law.com)


米国 先行技術としての書籍

Just a patent examinerに興味深い記事がありましたので紹介します。このような障害があるので米国のオフィスアクションでは書籍があまり引用されないのでしょう。裏返せば、特許無効化のための調査において特許以外の文献が宝の山かもしれません。

This is not to say that there's not likely some good prior art out there in book form. The hard-copy paper-and-binding medium presents some serious problems for examiners .
The biggest problem is identifying useful prior art in books in the first place.
The examiner then has to find out if the library has got a copy of the book. If not, they can file a request for an inter-library loan (takes about a week or so).
the examiner then needs to read the thing, or at least skim it well enough to determine if it is useful as prior art.
Then, if it is useful, the examiner has to take the time to photocopy the relevant parts of the book, or sometimes the entire thing.
This is truly mind-numbing work, believe me.
Before the advent of electronic Office actions, the examiner would be done at this point, but today they need to take the additional step of scanning the photocopied book to create a pdf version.
Since examiners are given a limited amount of time to perform their examination, taking the extra time to pursue prior art in book form is not a very attractive option.
This is one reason why attorneys might not see books used as prior art all that often.


米国 特許法改正案(Kyl上院議員案)提出さる



Philip Brooks' Patent Infringement Updates



(ABA Journal)



Connecticut Supreme Court Briefs Online

EPO 審査官のインセンティブ(メモ)

With regard to patent examiner incentives, he mentioned that some time ago the EPO have changed their internal system such that rejecting a patent application gives examiners more points than just rubber-stamping a Decision to Grant.
The allowance rate - as long as it can be measured adjusted by year of filing during the interval from 1978 to ca.1996 - hasn't changed much and stayed around sixty-something percent but time will tell as to how this is about to change now.


(271), (Reuters)
景気後退による出願数減 で将来的にUSPTOの収入が減ることは予想されるし、近年の特許許可率の低下やこれまた景気後退の影響による特許の放棄によりUSPTOの予算は危機的状況にあるようです。貯まった滞貨を処理するために特許審査官を増やしていましたがこれも止めなければならないかもしれません。


米国 判例の読み方(メモ)


Structure of a Decision
Why Is the Structure of a Decision Relevant to Examiners?
 Helps examiners navigate a decision to more quickly and easily identify examination tips

The Dirty Little Secret
 It may not be necessary to read the entire case to decide whether it is relevant.
 Go to specifically the cited text and read it in context first
 If relevant, then read the other parts of the case that are pertinent to examination.

Parts Relevant to Examiners
 Introduction
 Facts
 Procedural History
 Discussion of Issues
   Issue #1
     Law
     Application of law to facts, etc.
   Issue #2
     Law
     Application of law to facts, etc.

Parts Not Relevant to Examiners
 Jurisdictional Statement
   One sentence statement explaining the basis for the court’s authority to decide the case
 Standard of Review
   Test used by court in deciding whether to interfere with a decision of Board/lower court
 Conclusion
   Statement addressing relief sought by plaintiff/appellant
  (e.g., affirm, reverse, affirm-in-part and reverse-in-part, or remand)

 One sentence summary of who is seeking review and on what issue
 One sentence summary of outcome with short reason

 Technology in dispute
 Claims
 Prosecution history — pertinent parts
 Prior art

Procedural History
 Description of action in lower tribunal
 Decision of lower tribunal
 Reasoning of lower tribunal
   Be careful not to confuse reasoning of lower tribunal with that of Court issuing the decision

 Issue
   Sometimes, court will present the parties’ arguments before identifying the legal issue.
   Be careful not to confuse parties’ arguments with the Court’s decision and reasoning
 Relevant law
 Application of law to facts with decision on issue and explanation of reasons for decision
   Relevant legal principles, analysis, and phraseology will be found here

 Court’s ultimate legal conclusion on an issue
  Under this law, with these facts, this result
  “We hold”
  Use extreme caution in classifying a statement by a court as a holding
  Courts use the “hold” sparingly; do the same
  MPEP usually captures holding for most cases

(a.k.a., reasoning)
 Reasons for the ultimate conclusion
 No magic words
  E.g., “We conclude,” “We determine,” “We think”

Dicta—It’s Dangerous
 Dictum (singular): Dicta (plural)
  Statement or observation made by a judge that does not form a necessary part of the court’s decision, but is included in the body of the court’s opinion
  Court said it, but not needed to reach decision
  Attorneys may cite dicta in arguing against a rejection

Holding v. Dicta
 In eBay v. MercExchange, 547 U.S. 388 (2006), the Supreme Court addressed issue of whether patentee MercExchange was entitled to a permanent injunction.
 Supreme Court observed that the district court denied a permanent injunction because patentee MercExchange expressed a willingness to license its patents, showing it would not suffer irreparable harm if an injunction did not issue.

Sources of Confusion
 Syllabus — summary of decision
 Don’t cite or quote because not authored by the Court
 Prepared by publisher

 Headnotes — summary of decision
 Don’t cite or quote because not authored by Court
 Prepared by publisher

Remember the Dirty Little Secret
 It may not be necessary to read the entire opinion to decide whether a case is relevant
 Go to specifically cited text and read it in context first
 If relevant, then read the parts of the case pertinent to examiners

Opinion Type
 Majority
  Forms the opinion for the court
  Presents the holding and rationale for the court
 Concurrence
  Agrees with ultimate outcome, but for different reasons
  Written by one or more judges
  Judge in the majority may also be in concurrence
 Dissent
  Disagrees with ultimate outcome
  Written by one or more judges
  Dissenting judge is not part of majority
 Plurality
  No majority; fractured opinion with multiple judges going different ways for different reasons

Happens with appellate court sitting en banc or Supreme Court

Importance of Opinion Type
 Decision of the court is found in the majority opinion
  Any statements in the concurrence or dissent are for a single judge only; such statements are not the opinion of the court and are not binding on the court
  If concurrence or dissent is cited, the authoring judge should be mentioned to indicate that the cited statement is from that judge and does not represent the view of the court

Binding v. Non-Binding Decisions
 Binding
  Precedential (Court and BPAI)
    Decision will add to body of law
    All lower tribunals must follow
 Not Binding
  Non-precedential (Court and BPAI)
    Decision will not add to body of law
    Binds only the parties
  Informative (BPAI only)
    Helps clarify the law
    Binds only the parties
  Other (BPAI only)
    Binds only the parties

What Decisions Are Binding on Examiners?
Technically, all binding decisions issued by the BPAI and courts
However, examiners are to follow the cases cited in the MPEP or those endorsed by Patent Policy
If a decision is new or not discussed in the MPEP, consult SPE before citing
Why? The Office has to interpret a decision before applying it to examination, e.g., KSR v. Teleflex

Why Is Precedent Important?
Examiners should only rely on decisions sanctioned for use by the Office to support a rejection.
If an applicant cites a non-binding decision to argue against a rejection, the examiner need not follow it because it is not binding.

 Trick: If the facts of an application under examination are similar to those in a non-binding decision, the examiner may want to carefully review the reasoning applied by the tribunal that issued the non-binding decision.
 If the non-binding decision helps the rejection, then the examiner may use the reasoning, but not cite the decision.
 If the case hurts the rejection, then the examiner may want to withdraw the rejection or attempt to distinguish away the non-binding decision without citing or discussing it.

Laboratory Exercises
Protocol (cont.)
 When case law is cited by Applicant, how should an Examiner address it?
 MPEP is always the starting point.
 2 Step process:
  (1) MPEP;
  (2) Case itself, if necessary, using USPQ database
 Sample strategies:
 Step 1: MPEP
  Find specific case in MPEP using MPEP Insight (narrow approach)
  Do a “concept search” to find topic for which case is cited using MPEP Insight; should lead to specific case along with others (broad approach)
 Step 2: Retrieve and read case, if necessary, using USPQ database

Exercise #3
(Claim & Specification)
 Claim 1: A method of treating a bacterial infection comprising administering to a patient antibiotic X.
 Specification teaches antibiotic X is useful to treat a wide variety of infections, but not methicillin-resistant S. aureus infection.

Exercise #3
 Rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 102 over prior art reference that teaches treating a S. pyogenes infection with antibiotic X

Exercise #3
(Applicant Response)
 Amend claim, adding a negative limitation to exclude S. pyogenes infection
 Amended Claim 1: A method of treating a bacterial infection comprising administering to a patient antibiotic X, wherein the infection is not caused by S. pyogenes
 Add claim with a negative limitation to exclude S. aureus infection
 Added Claim 2: A method of treating a bacterial infection comprising administering to a patient antibiotic X, wherein the infection is not caused by a methicillin resistant S. aureus.

Exercise #3
(Final Rejection)
 Rejection of claim 1 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, 1 on grounds that the original application provided no support for excluding the treatment of a S. pyogenes infection
 No rejection of claim 2 because the specification expressly teaches that antibiotic X may not treat methicillin-resistant S. aureas infection

Exercise #3
(Applicant Response)
 Written description rejection is proper only when specification contains no support for negative limitation. In re Johnson, 194 USPQ 187, 196 (CCPA 1977).
 Negative limitation here is inherently supported by specification’s teaching that antibiotic X may not treat methicillin-resistant S. aureus infection
 Skilled artisan knows that S. pyogenes and S. aureus are both gram positive bacteria

Exercise #3
(Examiner’s Analysis)
 Step 1: Consult the MPEP to see how/if Johnson is used
 Step 2: If necessary, read and understand the actual decision

Exercise #3
 MPEP discusses Johnson in the following sections:
 MPEP § 2164.08
 MPEP § 2173.05(i)
 MPEP alone is probably not enough.
 It suggests that Applicant’s characterization of Johnson is correct.
 It is necessary to read and understand the decision to figure out how to respond.

Exercise #3
(In re Johnson Decision)
 Johnson claimed a genus, but later amended the claim to exclude two species to overcome prior art.
 CCPA found amended claim was supported by specification:
 Specification is directed to claimed polymers
 26 example polymers described in specification; only 23 of them within scope of claims
 Applicant is entitled to claim less than full disclosure

Exercise #3
(Examiner’s After Final Response)
 Applicant correctly characterizes Johnson; that case stands for proposition that a negative limitation may be added to claim so long as adequate written description support for it exists in the specification
 Problem here is that specification does not provide inherent support for excluding a S. pyogenes infection from treatment with antibiotic X
 Specification excludes only methicillin-resistant S. aureus infection

Exercise #3 (cont.)
(Examiner’s After Final Response)
 Nothing in specification about relationship between S. pyogenes infection and methicillin-resistant S. aureus infection
 Skilled artisan therefore would not inherently understand that antibiotic X could not be used to treat S. pyogenes infection


米国 景気後退の影響で出願数減




EPO Patent Information News 2009発行

Patent Information News issue 1/2009

法律文書向け 単語選択(メモ)

Affect: To alter, influence, or change
Effect: A result, or to bring about change

Alternate: A substitute or second choice, or to take turns
Alternative: One choice among various options

Among: Occurring in a group of three or more
Between: Occurring in a set of two

Assure: To convince
Insure: To guard against loss

Assure: To convince
Ensure: To make certain

Bimonthly: Every other month
Semimonthly: Twice a month

Biweekly: Every other week
Semiweekly: Twice a week

Capital: City that is the seat of local government, or relating to money, or an uppercase letter
Capitol: The building in which the legislature meets

Continual: Intermittent or repeated at intervals
Continuous: Without interruption

Discreet: Prudent or cautious
Discrete: Separate or detached

Eminent: High in rank
Imminent: About to occur

Farther: Greater distance
Further: Greater degree, time, or quantity

Fewer: A smaller number of units
Less: A smaller quantity

i.e.: That is
e.g.: For example

Imply: To suggest
Infer: To conclude

Its: Belonging to it
It's: It is

Mean: The number obtained by adding all values together and dividing by the number of values
Median: The value that falls in the middle of all of the recorded values, with an equal number of values above and below it

Practical: Useful in actual practice
Practicable: Capable of being put into practice

Principal: Head or chief
Principle: A basic truth or assumption

Stationary: Fixed or immovable
Stationery: Writing materials



(Law.com), (Forbes)
今年1月デラウェア連邦地裁のRobinson判事はRambusの行為は「最悪の隠蔽、最悪の誘導」として特許権の行使を認めず敗北を喫したRAMBUSですが(米国 RAMBUS一審で敗訴) カリフォルニア北部連邦地裁のWhyte判事はRambus社の行為は特許権行使不能を構成しないとして被告のHynix(韓国)に$397Millionの支払いを命じました。(FINAL JUDGMENT)

デラウェアでのMicronとの訴訟、今回のHynixとの訴訟、その他Samsung, Nanyaなどチップメーカーとの訴訟の最終決戦の地はCAFCになると思いますが最後に笑うのが誰かは神のみぞ知ると言ったところですね。それにしても2000年の訴訟開始以来Rambus社は$300 milliom近い費用を訴訟に注ぎこんでいるそうです。だとすると、最初から最後まで笑っているのは法律事務所ということか。

米国 最高裁 MuniAuction判決に関するcertiorariを取り上げず

CAFC判決(Muniauction's patent)に関するcertiorariを米最高裁は取り上げなかったとのことです。(IPspotlight) (redOrbit))
On March 9, 2009 the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari relating to the Federal Circuit’s opinion in MuniAuction, Inc. v. Thompson Corporation.

正論?それとも暴論? 特許権制度と著作権制度を廃止せよ

第一条  この法律は、発明の保護及び利用を図ることにより、発明を奨励し、もつて産業の発達に寄与することを目的とする。
第一条 この法律は、著作物並びに実演、レコード、放送及び有線放送に関し著作者の権利及びこれに隣接する権利を定め、これらの文化的所産の公正な利用に留意しつつ、著作者等の権利の保護を図り、もつて文化の発展に寄与することを目的とする。



Patent and copyright law are stifling innovation and threatening the global economy according to two economists at Washington University in St. Louis in a new book, Against Intellectual Monopoly. Professors Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine call for abolishing the current patent and copyright system in order to unleash innovations necessary to reverse the current recession and rescue the economy. The professors discuss their stand against intellectual property protections in a video and news release linked here.

— Abolishing patent and copyright law sounds radical, but two economists at Washington University in St. Louis say it's an idea whose time has come. Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine see innovation as a key to reviving the economy. They believe the current patent/copyright system discourages and prevents inventions from entering the marketplace. The two professors have published their views in a new book, Against Intellectual Monopoly, from Cambridge University Press.

So, It’s the intellectual property, stupid!

1. “Mistrust between Rich and Poor Hits Green Trade
Cutting-edge green technologies are mostly concentrated in the US and Europe. Yet to stimulate global trade these technologies needs to be disseminated. China maybe a have-not in IP on these areas, they certainly have the know-how to manufacture at low prices and are able to make green techologies more widely used in the world. The have’s, US, Europe and Japan, however are not sharing their technologies, afraid that they are that after transfer of the technology to manufacture, China will copy and come off after the same innovative companies in order to globally compete with them. Climate change needs international technology transfer, so a big barrier to trade is IP. There must be ways to overcome this obstacle, e.g. by having China to change its IP policies so as to find ways to respect IP and ensure that technology transfer is not followed by copying technologies, rather take a license to manufacture and become a technology partner and respectful of IP. If, in the future, China becomes the new R&D engine and produces its own green IP innovations, well, then the reverse should be true, US, EU and JP companies then should take licenses under this Chinese IP protected green technologies. The reality however is that EU, US and JP are ahead in this technology area, so ….let us get rid of the IP barriers to prevent the tech transfer so badly needed.

2. “
China Mobile in research offer
Another example of how removing IP barriers can promote international trade. China Mobile betted on 3G TD-SCMA technology for their wireless handsets. However they have problems to have these function properly. China Mobile wants their so called dual mode handsets being capable of running on both its 3G and 2G wireless networks. So, to solve technology issues and improve innovation, China Mobile acknowledges that its Western, Korean and Japanese counterparts are much more advanced in R&D in these areas. As a result, China Mobile offers to help finance R&D efforts by the same Western, Korean and Japanese companies to solve these technical issues. This would entail technology transfer both ways first from KR, JP, US and EU to China and then, I guess, back to those same companies that helped creating the solutions. That can only happen if the IP systems in China are as good and effective as in the US, Europe, Korea and Japan. As long as these parties consider China to be a risk factor in that they will ultimately disrespect IP and copy what they see and learn, nobody will show “the back his tongue” and no international tech transfer will take place. Research, necessary to stimulate innovation and stimulate international economies, will then fail to cross borders.

3. “
Taiwan looks to transform D-Ram sector. Move to breathe life into Chip Industry
Third example. Taiwan recently created a new company, TMC, to reinvigorate their D-Ram (Dynamic Random Access Memory) industry’s technology to better compete internationally with Korean (Samsung) and US companies. This is Taiwnan’s move to shape up the US$ 23.6 billion global industry. TMC, in order to beef up its industry competitiveness, wants to buy technology from Japanese companies like Elpida, Micron and others. How come Taiwan ended up to be lagging behind in the first place? Intellectual Property is the answer. Taiwanese companies lacked proprietary technologies, so they are now forced to license in the latest technology form third parties. Again, had Taiwanese paid more attention by buying in those proprietary technologies or invest in R&D and translate that into US, EP, KR and JP patents, they would be in a different position all together.

WIPO 年次報告(日本語版2007)




特許検索 F-TERM アップデート

また、従来FsとFmの存在すら知らずにF-TERM検索をしていた人達 (驚くべきことに知財部門内にも結構いるみたいです。F-TERMの付与状況も確認しないで特許保証調査の母集団抽出にF-TERMを使っちゃだめだって・・・)もその存在に気づく機会が増えると思います。
IPCカバー範囲 B62D5/00-5/32 テーマ技術の概要 このテーマは、自動車のかじ取り装置に動力補助、または動力駆動装置を設けて、かじ取り機構の操作力を軽減することを、目的とするためのもので、一般的には、パワーステアリング(P.S)と称されている分野である。
・FIキーと観点の関係 ←これが重要
(イメージ1)  ←この図から、Fm、Fsを見分けます
各タームの関係(1)タームリスト表(データシート) (イメージ1)(イメージ2)
(イメージ3) (2)各タームの関係 (イメージ4)(イメージ5)(イメージ6)
AA  パワーステアリング(P.S)の全体構成
BA  機械式P.S
CA  電気式P.S
DA  複数の操舵装置を有する流体式P.S
DB  流体式P.Sにおける操舵の検出
DC  流体式P.Sの種々の形態と機能
EA  流体式P.S用オイルタンク
EB  流体ポンプとアクチュエータまでの流体圧回路
EC  流体式P.Sの圧力流体を他の流体圧機器に併用
ED  配管システム及び多軸操舵機構の流体圧回路
FA  フラッパ弁
FB  ロータリスプール弁
FC  ディスク弁
FD  ロータリ弁
FE  スプール弁
GA  方向制御弁とM.Pとを機械的に連結した全油圧式P.S
GB  方向制御弁とM.Pとを流体的に連結した全油圧式P.S
GC  上記以外の形式の全油圧式P.S
HA  流体シリンダなどの動力ユニット
JA  動力ユニットと操舵リンクなどとの連結機構
JB  ラック・ピニオン形P.S
JC  ウオーム形P.S
KA  P.Sとリンク系
LA  関節屈曲車両のP.S
MA  故障時の安全補償機構
3D232 走行状態に応じる操向制御
3D034 操向リンク系及び4WS
発明(考案)の詳細な説明中、従来技術について説明した個所は解析対象から除く。 但し、発明(考案)の構成要素については、たとえ従来技術としての記載であっても、これを解析の対象としている。
(1)発明の構成を示す図面があれば代表図面として選定し、該当図面がなければ代表頁を選定している。 (2)複数の該当図面がある場合には当該技術に関する装置の図面、フローチャート、図表の順に選定している。
図面は発明の要旨が分かる程度の全体図が望ましい。 (3)代表頁は発明の目的(効果)を記載した頁としている。
(1)観点の内容 (イメージ1)

米国 特許法改正公聴会は本日開催です

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing on "Patent Reform in the 111th Congress: Legislation and Recent Court Decisions"
 for Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 226 of the Senate Dirksen Office Building.
A webcast of the hearings will be provided and may be accessed here (link)

米国 Post-Grant review

米国特許法改正案提出に関連し、Foley & Lardner LLP の Reexamination Practice Groupメンバーが改正案で提案されたPost-Grant reviewおよび、査定系再審査、当事者系再審査制度の比較分析をしています(LINK)。メンバーの一人はあの当事者系再審査解説書の著者Matthew A. Smith氏です。さらに、前USPTO長官Jon Dudas氏もメンバーに名をつらねています。


中国 自前のレポートは出さないのですか?




Iam Magazineによると次期USPTO長官がもうすぐ発表されそうです(確定ではありません)。




EYEBORG-- The Two Week Trial from eyeborg on Vimeo.


リーガルワークの生産性向上:ツール特集 アップデート

Tools on the Web to Let Twitter Sing

Free Web Tools for the Way You Work


EPO 料金改定

Rules relating to Fees as applicable from 1 April 2009


Shame on you! アップデート



  据英国《每日电讯报》23日报道,印度瑜伽界人士称欧美很多国家的瑜伽教师经常将印度瑜伽的一些姿 势申请为自己的“专利”,这让印度人非常生气。为了保护印度的传统文化,印度成立了专门的瑜伽鉴定小组,将古印度瑜伽系统中的姿势收录在印度传统知识数字 图书馆中,这样如果欧美的瑜伽教师又为“新发明”的瑜伽姿势申请专利时就能迅速查明那种瑜伽姿势是真的“新发明”还是剽窃。据悉,印度的专家组已经收录了 600个瑜伽姿势,并称要在2009年底将姿势种类至少增加到1500种。

  印度人练习瑜伽已经有6000年历史了,现在很多印度人也会在公园里集体练习瑜伽,当地的瑜伽导师 会免费教大家进行快速呼吸、“拜日式”等瑜伽动作。瑜伽在上世纪六、七十年代传入欧美,并因为甲壳虫乐队的吉他手乔治·哈里森非常喜欢而迅速受到欢迎。目 前,瑜伽已经成为价值2250亿美元的产业。(环球时报 徐思邈)



India moves to patent yoga poses in bid to protect traditional knowledge
Beware: the spine-twisting yoga pose you strike in your gym or village hall is not just a struggle between your mind and body – it's also the subject of a global battle for patents pending.

n the United States alone, there have been more than 130 yoga-related patents, 150 copyrights and 2,300 trademarks. Now India's Traditional Knowledge Digital Library is being made available to patents offices throughout the world so they can establish whether the claim is a genuine innovation or "prior art" from Indian systems of medicine...(more)

米国 Bilski後のPTO審査基準

PatentlyOにJohn Love (Deputy Commissioner of Patent Examination Policy) のメモの紹介がありました。

DATE: January 7,2009
TO: Technology Center Directors Patent Examining Corps
FROM: John J. Love
SUBJECT: Guidance for Examining Process Claims in view of In re Bilski
We are presently studying the full ramifications of the court's clarification and other recent developments in the law. In view of the Bilski decision, the guidelines are being redrafted to reflect the most current standards for subject matter eligibility. Until the guidelines are completed, examiners should continue to follow the current patent subject matter eligibility guidelines appearing in MPEP 2106, with the following modification.

米国 特許法改正案提出後の騒ぎ

Trolls square off against tech in patent reform fight

The return of patent reform legislation sets the stage for another epic clash of the IP industries, with tech and software firms lined up against the biotech, pharmaceutical, and patent-trolling sectors.
By Julian Sanchez | Last updated March 5, 2009 11:22 AM CT



EPO バーチャルクラスルームトレーニング


Places available for free-of-charge virtual classroom training

米国 法律事務所ランキング


1. Orrick          19.86
2. Holland & Knight   15.12
3. Cooley Godward   12.97
4. Bryan Cave      11.22
5. Latham & Watkins 10.84
6. McDermott, Will   10.64
7. Wilson Sonsini    10.09
8. O'Melveny & Myers 9.53
9. Goodwin Procter   7.41
10. Proskauer Rose   6.39


特許ポートフォリオ評価ツール(IPscore) アップデート

IPscoreを無料でダウンロードすることができます。  IPscoreとは?

Monthly online patent information newsflash
- SmartSearch in esp@cenet and IPScore10.00-10.30 hrs CET - 26 February 2009
The next broadcast in the "Newsflash live" series will give participants a quick update on the EPO's latest patent information news. In addition to the general news, each Newsflash live focuses on one or more particular featured topics. This time the spotlight will be on SmartSearch in esp@cenet and IPscore.
EPOの"Newsflash live"の案内です。内容は、
"Newsflash live"の登録は以下からどうぞ
Register online


米国 2008年の特許事務所ランキング

Sughrue, Birchが数を減らす中Oblonは数は維持しています。

1Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, P.C.3751
2Sughrue Mion, PLLC2899
3Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP2378
4Oliff & Berridge, PLC2345
5Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto1577
6Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP1571
7Harness, Dickey & Pierce, PLC1541
8Fish & Richardson P.C.1540
9Foley & Lardner LLP1461
10Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP1439

書籍 Patent Crisis アップデート

Silicon Valley Raises Voice on IP Reform
Zusha ElinsonThe RecorderMarch 3, 2009

The Patent Crisis
and How the Courts Can Solve It
 by Dan L. Burk & Mark A. Lemley






Over 30,000 law partners from top law firms

中国 特許法実施条例修正(案)が国務院の最終審議を待つばかりになりました


9.国际申请进入国家阶段的规定 PCT出願国内移行段階の規定


