
米国 Interview with ....


from The Wall Street Journal

WSJ: Some people would say with this kind of change that you'd need the opposite -- less government -- because in a globalized world, markets are so much more important. You seem to say that at a point when the global economy is getting so important you'd redouble …
Sen. Obama: I wouldn't say redouble. Revitalized, I would say. Because I think the danger is always to equate size of government with effectiveness, and I don't. It's not clear to me that we want a larger government, but we certainly want a government that is setting more intelligent priorities and using taxpayer dollars more wisely and structuring tax policies that are conducive to long-term economic growth.
As I mentioned during the speech, there may be programs that no longer work. There's certainly all kinds of previsions in our tax code that are antiquated and are not spurring economic growth. We've got offices like the patent office that are outdated to take advantage of new discoveries here in the United States. We need to retool our government so that it works with a 21st century economy and in some ways our campaign has shown what happens when you retool political campaigns to a new requirement. I think we need to do the same thing with government as well...more

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